
Why not both? 

Some countries do actually require drivers to pass a skid pad course before being fully licensed, so every driver is in fact expected to have the “calm cool skill of a race car driver” in such situations...or there just the “regular skill of a normal driver” lol.

Seriously, the US lets far too many people behind the wheel....

Welp, looks like Lifehacker has gone from articles to millions of slideshows, to just recycling those slideshows into videos now. See also “12 Ways You Are Making Your House Look Cheap and Tacky”.

Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?

From Gizmodo:

I always thought the love letters were the dumbest trend.  This is a business transaction.  Tell me you love it with cash. 

Sneak away whenever you can (and involve others)“ is a great way to deal with family members around the holidays or anytime you get together. My family rents a beachfront home every summer. When my brother starts his right-wing rants loud enough so everyone can hear, or my SIL starts blathering on about her kids and

I’ve looked at the sous-vide repeatedly and just can’t. I would never use it enough to justify its taking up any more space that I already don’t have and yes, I know that’s not much, but my immersion blender is already tossed in a plastic box with the whip and other extras for my KitchenAide as well as my cheesecloth

I could see how heavy whipping cream might work (would keep the density), but I just like the rich flavor of the egg so much (particularly the yolk) that I’d rather not dilute it with anything. I’ll add another egg before I add a liquid.

Don’t lie to them in the first place?

Multiple time county fair pie Best in Show winner here. You can skip the cooling bit between the roll out and filling it and sticking it in the oven, but before you mix up your crust you need to chill everything. Your flour, your mixing vessel, whatever fat you’re using (butter, shortening, lard or cheese if you’re

I just want to respond to all of these with “What the FUCK”

Secret of NIMH.  The owl.  The house slipping into the mud.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit. This effing guy, and what he did to that poor shoe!

My friend didn’t even want the movie mentioned around her when she was little, because the Count Doom reveal with the squeaky voice and freaky eyes scared the snot out of her

Transformers the movie (1986). Nothing like being 8 years old and watching most of your favorite transformers get violently killed off one by one in the first 20 minutes. Ironhide’s execution in particular has stuck with me to this day.

For me, while the swamp scen ine Never Ending Story was sad, it was the Sphinxes’ Gate that scared the shit out of me for some reason. I remember having nightmare about them lol.

Large Marge from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.