
Instant pot chicken soup works wonders
1-1.5qt Chicken broth
Whole chicken
Cut up veggies
Noodles or barley

Pre-saute the harder veggies in the pot for 10m or so, then throw everything but the chicken in. Chicken goes on top. Time 20m on high. It’ll be full so quick release will take a LONG time.

Oh, and if you don’t have

Looks good. Once Tesla writes native integration with it (so I don’t need to carry my phone on runs to get in and drive away) I might just give up my Garmin*.

*there are a couple Garmin utilities that do this but the security is a bit sketchy.

Perhaps a better title for the article is “Justify the bathroom designer and remodel industry, please!”

An old friend of mine worked at one of the print shops where they manufacture CCGs for a few years. This was just as camera phones were staring to become prolific. Bags were checked on the way in/out. Anyone going home with cards got a pink slip instead. Everything in the video tracks pretty well what what he used to

Yeah, no. Sitting while doing your business is already relatively unnatural so going from something that’s incredibly natural (just letting it fly) to something else that’s unnatural is silly. I’m not saying I squat during #2 (though I have many times when backpacking, etc).

Do some work.. yeesh

One broken bulb away from a Luddite

One broken bulb away from a Luddite

Stupid videos.. I'll never know...

Not one of my favorites but a damned fine series. If they can keep the gameplay fun, then I’m in!

Oy, so the one thing that made AC engaging for me was being a badass ninja everywhere else but Japan. Basically, ninja games have been done to death. Assassin’s Creed has been done to death... For me, at least*. I can’t imagine Ubisoft’s generic open world monotony will be any better than anyone else’s attempt at

Never experienced this before and I eat yogurt almost daily. Usually chobani or that Icelandic skyr stuff. I always shake the everliving crap out of the things before opening to make sure any wateriness is gone. It's faster and neater then stirring. 

If you can’t run and walking feels like there’s no benefit, ruck. It’s not nearly as hard on your joints and connective tissues. And it’s basically free.

Really though, one “I need to go” that gets protest I just walk off. If you know you don’t owe anyone more conversation, then GTFO

Dealers need to die off. They’re basically new car scalpers. If people think Ticketmaster is evil, they got all their ideas from dealerships.

I’ve done this at work. There is no oven! Works a treat one time but then they assume you're the funny guy the next time

I was resetting the BT module on my 16 MacBook pro every 2-3 days. It would generally only freak out during online meetings, too! Then I'd need to reset the headphone balance. For years...

Since moving south I’ve gone from wanting a slightly longer summer to having a frothing desire for fall to finally begin. Fall has so much fun to have that I really never missed summer to begin with. (as does winter and spring)

Oof, it’s getting really hard to continue to like Acura. Loved them in the 90's and 00's, for a while in the end of the 10's they were doing okay again, but this... 

Yup, that’s some bad understanding of unit conversion on the part of the author.

For traditional temperature conversion (absolute zero F is ~-460):
F = C(9/5) + 32

But if you’re just converting unit values, use the linear equation.
F = C(9/5)