
Having a buzz word vocabulary does not make you sound immature or young. It makes you sound stupid, idiotic, unqualified, like the dead weight you are, but I would certainly never categorize these dipshits as specifically “immature”.

After clearing out the basement, running the dehumidifier, and having the bug guys out once, I haven't seen another one!

NFTs are one of the biggest, most ludicrous jokes ever. To describe them as “vapor” is to do a mass injustice to vapor as it has a use.

Gawker gets a lot of crap wrong and obviously takes a lot of money to promote trash (or makes a LOT of bad decisions), but they’re getting their stance on NFT right.

Camel Crickets.. They’re weird AF, look like Zerglings. They were in the house when we moved in. The former owners basement was filled with boxes and and other junk. They had two large dehumidifiers going which, now that I’ve lived here many years, I suspect they only purchased when they put the house up for sale, as

I’ve had red paper wasps get into my house a bunch of times. Usually I see them flying about and get them with the vacuum, but the first year in this house they were BAD. In the same week my kid and I stepped on them in the middle of the night. Him in the toe, me in the arch. F****RS...

My bride’s Uncle (nearly 400lbs) got upset because the wait staff wouldn’t serve him multiple meals, yelled at the wait staff, and made a scene. We had sat him down to explain that he wouldn't be allowed extra meals, and made him promise to be okay with it in order to get invited. And her parents reminded him of his

“Happy wife, happy life”

Just an extra high five for those floor touches without an arched back. Well done!

Been married for 10 years, have two kids. Aside from pregnancy and monthly lapses, sex is very frequent, usually daily. Two things I’ll share:

Fully engage. Say fully engaged and close, if you need to move your hips a bit, use a glacial pace. Make out for a while. Move the hands all over. Maybe just a minute, maybe

Been there. Well water and a TINY septic system. If people took long showers it backed up fast.

I was chatting with a manager <Linda for now> a few months ago. We knew each other for years and she used to sit next to me prior to her getting promoted. So when she asked “Hey, do you have a problem with <we’ll call him Bob>? He thinks you hate him.”

Every job where there was any possibility that someone might feel like communications with me might be necessary, all of my vacations have been to “very remote” places “without internet or cell service”.

Online-only is a non-starter for me. 100% pass. And Microtransactions for a game like GT are also a non-starter. I’ve put a LOT of time in most of the previous entries. GT is one of my favorite series of all time.

If you work for a company that has travel policies, you can often leverage your company’s corp discount (and insurance) on trips. My last three companies have allowed using the corporate account for personal travel as long as you’re paying on a personal card.

Most states can cite you if your tabs aren’t on, whether or not your registration is up to date.

This is “The Friend Zone”

Yes, we’re talking whatever was cheapest at the time of purchase.

I get a little over 300 miles out of my Brooks before the tread starts to wear down in the front to smooth. But my runs are punctuated with burpees, pushups, mountain climbers, etc, so that’s to be expected. Then they’re downgraded to bootcamp shoes, and the bootcamp shoes become lawn work shoes. 2-3 pairs a year.

Peanut butter. How diabolically evil do you have to be to refrigerate peanut butter?! I’ll tell you! As evil as my evil aunt! Who insisted on peanut butter in the fridge smeared on crappy wonder bread, so when lunch came around it was peanut butter sorta scraped over chunks of “bread” that did not resemble a sandwich

Used to live in a 3rd floor apartment that faced into a courtyard. My roommate’s hunting buddy came over with his dog once. He put the dog on the deck, was there for all of five minutes, and gone. I didn’t even notice that he had the dog with him until he they left.