
The wife and kids watched this recently... This severely messed me up. I hate this movie to this day.

The Christopher Lloyd is a toon scene? That one broke me a bit.

I’ve been thinking about that one every once in a while... I kinda feel like I need to rewatch it to reconcile how fucked up it was.

The morph scene from the troll to the dragon was disgusting to me as a kid. Also the dragon had these weird jowls that very much reminded me of my great grandmother.

I had to put the game down for a while with 57 (and the final boss). Just needed to clear my head. Dread feels a lot more “Souls like” than previous Metroids. Perhaps just a bit too Souls like... I don’t really want to memorize attack cues and react accordingly. But Dread isn’t as bad as Souls or Hallow Knight or

I disagree. Giant, cozy hoodies are hella sexy. Big poofy jackets, too. Snowpants? Yup.

My screen name should probably help explain this... 

Work relationships should end the moment you step out the door. To that end, I share very little about my personal life with anyone at work save the very, VERY short list of people with whom I’ve chosen to maintain a friendship over the years. But it does come out organically over time.

Speaking of keeping homemade liqueurs and such for far too long... I’ve got a bottle of last years allspice dram that needs to be replaced for fall. 

Pretty pumped for Dread, but really looking forward to the next update on the next Prime. 

Someone gave us the peepeeteepees and I can tell you there is absolutely no need. Boys are gonna let it fly the second you remove the diaper. Just pull the old one off for a few seconds and let it hover, then cover back up if necessary. So dumb...

#3 Soak them in water for a couple minutes with husk on. Toss them on the grill, turn every 5 min until the outside of the husk is pretty well cooked. Best way to eat corn ever.


Yeah, but otherwise you’re 100% right. Settings are under the app menu and “Preferences” in every Mac program (or most of the settings)

Just had the pleasure of deactivating this ‘feature’. I use Chrome almost solely for testing and migrated to Brave or FF (depending on need) some months ago.

Depends on how you get there. If you click the three vertical dots, then it’s “settings”. Or just Octorthorp + ,

Peanut butter and pickles for life. Been eating them since the 90's. Fantastic sandwich. I’ve made many, many converts. In fact, every person I’ve convinced to try them continues to eat them to this day.

I was in your position many years ago, LONG before marriage and considering kids, and when that company switched over from sick+vacation to pure PTO (greatly reducing sick days) I knew every parent had been fucked.

Here’s a fun one.

I’ve shut down some pretty cool job opportunities because of “unlimited PTO” over the last year. I’ve known quite a few people in the industry who have dealt with it and there isn’t one good thing about it for an employee.

It’s not worth the bigger paycheck when my vacation can (and inevitably will) be cancelled at the

I have a garlic press. When I can find it I use it. No one in this house has said a dish had “too much garlic”... Well, I may have on occasion when making garlic-heavy salsa, but not the wife... But I hand chop my salsa, so if I pressed the garlic it would go into mega overdrive. The fridge already reeks of garlic