
I beat ME3 two times. That was before it was “Fixed”. One with whatever the Renegade option was and the other with the option that seemed like a Paragon, but both of them could pick any result they wanted, and that I detested. I will be picking up the Legendary edition, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it...

Really needs to be considered if it’s pre or post game events. So, maybe “assuming you and yours weren’t/wouldn’t be directly affected by the shit show caused by the game” might be the only way to think objectively. And every world is teaming with deadly monsters everywhere you go.

VI (by far the greatest game in the

I had a roommate with a PS2 and we worked on different schedules, so I bought a PS2 memory card and loaded up X. It was almost as boring as VIII... a lot of frustration and falling asleep while playing and “waiting for the game to get good”.

I got to what I understood was the last dungeon and put it down for good.

ME3's multiplayer is the only anonymous online gaming that I ever enjoyed, and I was hooked. I played TONS of multiplayer to unlock all the weapons and characters. I’m tempted to reactivate my XBL sub and see how things are going...

I’m similarly disappointed. My wife, however, will be relieved. 

Two modes, then. “Improved” for when you want to plow through a mission and “classic” for when you want to goof around. 

A new Mass Effect or the new Horizon will get my PS5 purchase. Until then there’s nothing that tempts me.. 

Pretty sure it was Miranda and Jack. Miranda ends the convo saying anyone with biotics could do the job, but mostly she’s provoking Jack. I honestly thought Miranda was too weak to do the job either way, and used whichever Asari I had picked up. 

I’ve wanted to do some runs like this. Complete shit shows. Just to watch everything suck.

All the jobs told you basically who would do the best. Leadership experience, tech, or biotics. You just had to ignore the bickering and pick specialists

I didn’t really care for Grunt, Jack, or Jacob. I wouldn’t have done their loyalty missions if ME2 wasn’t so freaking awesome...

We don’t live close to any of our relatives any more. The trump cultists are either full on “antifa” did it or they’ve left the platforms. Those desperately clinging to the “conservative” ways are still clinging to them.

My need to quickly soften butter is... more often than I want it to be. Most effective way is to just throw it on top of the clothes drier (which is in our pantry, which is always the warmest room in the house). It won’t melt the butter but it’s faster than anywhere else.

Massive forearms

Yup. Perfect for pie dough which should never get warm at all.

Some information regarding black ice. It specifically refers to the ice formed by vehicle exhaust that creates very thin, and extremely slick patches of ice.

No. Full stop.

If you’ve walked into a Chipotle, you have surrendered any right to pretend anything healthy is about to happen... 

I don’t care for most roguelikes. You can’t even get me to be excited about Diablo. I’ll play it with my friends on Switch, but I got tired of that, too.

I played Hades for 100's of runs.

Grew up in MN. Lived (and played) through many a massive blizzard. My parents had, like, zero money, but we still played in the snow. Dad would find boots dumpster diving that were worn out and duct tape them up and use a utility knife to carve new tread into them. Not being nearly waterproof, our feet were double

My rules (and kit)