
You asked the barkeep for a bourbon base off the menu. I’m going to give old Suspenders the benefit of the doubt here and say his thoughts were thus, “Some customer wants a bourbon drink and they’re open to any of my interpretations. Neat!”

I might pay $13.50 if I saw them on the clearance rack for the novelty, but they’re fugly as can be.

Pretty sure the only way to improve those things is to throw them in the trash... Seriously, they taste awful on their own so at that point you’re just eating warmed over BBQ sauce or, in this case, grape jelly. Plus, after about 30 of them, you start to get really sick and all vomitty!

I detest bologna, but this is an excellent idea for actual meat and keeping the egg from sticking to those “non-stick” dishes (especially whites, which I primarily use).

I used to know a family that, when you ate at their place, you were playing with your own life. I didn’t know this right away, but basically they’d pull something out of the fridge of questionable age and spoilage and just toss it into whatever dish they were making. I want to say that the first time I had a hint was

I spent a few hours playing through this lovely game just after it dropped. No cheats necessary... Except I totally cheated at the money game by reloading save states because, well, screw farming rupees. 

I’m generally 100% against micro-transactions, but I forgot to even look to see if they existed in this game and purchased it. Then I played it and noticed that after the first time they beg for more money, the game basically STFU about it and lets you play, until a bit later when it gives you some online currency and

Enjoyed Skies a lot on the GCN when it was released for that system. (I played a lot of DC, but never purchased one, and never saw Skies on it)

I don’t think there are a lot of people out there who give a genuine poop about smart apps on their TV.  HDR? Yeah, it looks GORGEOUS when something can use it, but smart apps aren’t worth it.  The price to upgrade the apps is just built into a good TV.  If I didn’t care for HDR I’d be all over this and the 4k Roku,

I don’t think there are a lot of people out there who give a genuine poop about smart apps on their TV.  HDR? Yeah,

Our eldest does melt down a bit after school, and it’s not easy to get through it sometimes. We’re mostly past them now, but the only thing that helped us keep our sanity was knowing that it was fairly common. We switched “homework” time (for a kindergartener...) to after a bit of free time and a snack. That helped a

Plan the nap for the latter half of the flight if it’s not across the globe. A sleeping infant/toddler/little doesn’t notice the pressure changes... generally. Prep those who can communicate ahead of time. If they wake up on the decent they just feel pain and for kids < 10 years old, that blocks most other stimulus

I do love deadlifts, and all things picking things off the floor. They got my back into such good shape that I lost a LOT of chronic back pain when I got into the rhythm at the old Crossfit gym, but I’ve long-since moved away from Crossfit... Which makes this is a very difficult one to do without a gym that has

I wouldn’t want to take away how the OP was impressive as hell. But these lifts are insane.

I used to work with one. He was great fun to get going. We’re talking chem trails, mind control and the whole gamut of insanity. So, naturally, we fashioned and wore tinfoil hats whenever he got going.

Brotherhood and Revelations were AC 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.

My wife often watches Scooby Doo with the kids. I used to when I was a kid but it did not age well.

Almost all my apps aren’t allowed to run notifications. When I let Facebook live as an app on my phone, it wasn’t allowed notifications, either. The only thing that’s allowed to notify is specifically communications related stuff. Gmail, Nine, Google chat and the actual Messenger (sms/mms) apps and a very small

On more than one occasion I’ve managed to ‘engineer’ someone’s email to direct a thank you email to them for a job interview. Generally I just used an HR contact email to see what the scheme was and do some LinkedIn searching to find the people with whom I met and write a nice note. If I get a bounce-back, I’ll try

covfefe or bust