
I’ve been working on cars for almost 30 years as a backyard mechanic. All sorts of makes and models. And while I’ve run across all sorts of insane situations, but a bolt head or nut that isn’t a regular size isn’t one of them. Sure they get corroded all the time and might require elbow grease and a steel brush (or a

1. Open canister
2. Flip canister upside down with a swooping motion that ensures none of the contents accidentally fall out
3. Make sure everything falls directly into the trash so that none of the chips break on the way out
4. Eat literally anything else to be more satisfied and negligibly healthier

Seriously, though,

From the Nine Nine

Captian Holt: Why would you ever intentionally spill beans? They’re nature’s most densely packed protein source and they remain unsullied by flavor.

Well the demo is gorgeous, and a really well-done throwback to the old style RPGs I used to know and love. They’ve got my preorder (still considering finding a Wayfarer edition, but not sure it’s worth another $40)

I remember 11 or so years ago, I was making about $13.50/hr. When I was looking for a place to stay on my own, it was damned near impossible to find anything that wasn’t a tiny studio.

I did 65 on Tuesday morning. The last 35 did not look great. Then I did something to my back later that workout and had to give it a rest. Oh well.

That’s how the private market works. Insurance is fancy ass gambling and the house always wins. I worked with insurers for years for a healthcare company in the midwest. Nobody gives a DAMN about your health. It is business.

Without talk about the revealed Metroid, what’s the point?

Team trolls. Gotta collect them launch codes...

Didn’t they already make a mobile C&C game? I could have sworn I played one 4-5 years ago. It was not good.

I want to like this, and it looks kinds fun, but this is likely going to be a hard pass.

I don’t have nearly enough time to coordinate playing this with real friends, and even if I did find time, just like every other game with co-op, they’ll be 100 hours ahead of me on their 18th playthrough. And if I do find 30

The only acceptable PB&J removes the J. Jelly is gross. Either use some honey or, my favorite, dill pickles. Gotta use the Claussens, though.

When I did Crossfit burpees, they were hand release pushups. Chest on the ground, hands up off the floor, then back up.

Skip the olives. Chilled glass with room temperature Hendricks. Maybe a sliver of cucumber.

I’m okay with diet tonic water. I don’t want it over sweet and these usually can’t make it so sweet.

Yeah, without the J.

I think the thing that stands out the most was a stint with an “Organic” tick/flea treatment for the dog many years back. Normally we’d just do a treatment of Frontline and done. But Frontline is kind of expensive and we had a toddler so my wife wanted to not have toddler licking Frontline (I wasn’t all that concerned

Guilt specifically? Not really ever. It’s not my responsibility to like a game that I “should” like, so I don’t feel guilty. But there are games that I want to like, and do not. Pretty much always from Nintendo, too.

We do this every time we know the kids would normally be asleep before we’d get home. Out of the car, into the bed.

Sounds like a fun idea... for two weeks ago