Atomic Samurai Robot

Someone should buy a frame and put it around the hole with a little dedication plaque.

That’s not the point. There is is only so much time, so much political capital either party can spend in earnest every year. If you allow yourself to be distracted, to use some of that time and capital chasing after issues that affect few over the many, you end up not having enough to win the big battles.

I know it’s popular with the current European and World Woman’s Figure skating champion and anime otaku Evgenia Medvedeva.

I heard that autopilot will disengage at 88 MPH.

It’s like there are stealthier F-15 and F-16 variants. But the F-35 is an over-designed, multi-branch fighter whose conflicting requirements between the services guaranteed it’s ballooning development costs. All in the name of a “gee it’s a nice idea” shared replacement part logistics. IIRC there really aren’t a

How about “boycott and you don’t have your scholarship” as an opening position by the school.

Or people showing up caring only about the Presidential vote. If state and local government are running smooth enough for you when you didn’t vote, why bother voting for those positions if you solely showed up to vote for president.

HA! Inspiring? Besides being a woman going for the position? Because of her life story? Sorry, most people elect those who think may be able to help them in the next four years, not based on their biography they deserve to be.

But did she or a proxy go into those communities to tell them the details? Just saying you have a plan isn’t enough. Closing local industries that your family have worked in for generations is traumatic. They weren’t closing because they for economic reasons, they were closing due to government mandate. So

No they are complex enough that it’s nearly impossible to sound bite. Trump did a better job creating sound bites.

Too often nowadays organizations are becoming hyper-optimized. Focusing on metrics without understanding the human element behind those numbers. It’s all about trying to get the most bang for your buck as election campaigns operate a lot like marketing campaigns.

Practicing doing passes with remote sensing technology over the city.

Sounds like someone got assigned to go see Rogue One, didn’t and is trying to hide the fact by throwing all the buzz words he remembered from that one film review class at it.

He’s not wrong. Most of the design cost overruns can be pointed at the requirement to provide a variant for the Marines to replace the Harrier. After that I would say the helmet and the software that controls it.

Rail Wars was targeted at two groups, train otakus and those that enjoy fanservice. Most of it falls into the classification of accidental perversion rather than “why is the PoV from under the table?”

Always thought that Marcy’s poor eyesight combined with Patty’s tomboy appearance confused Marcy at first and it stuck.

Lets not fall into the logical fallacy that Neo-Nazi groups supported Trump so all who supported Trump are Neo-Nazis.

Trump was always the anti-candidate. Why should he follow what politicians do, deflect blame as to why they couldn’t keep campaign promises they had no intention in keeping, just straight up and break them between the election and the swearing in.

I’m repeating what CNN reported the President of Taiwan said.

The Sony Playstation had games that became touchstones for a lot of gamers back then. Games like FF 7 and MGS. Games were no longer limited to ROM in a cartridge for scope. They weren’t just home versions of what was found in arcades chowing down your quarters. The enormity of the story drew you in, and you felt