Atomic Samurai Robot

First, you don’t reinvent the wheel. But in this case it needs multiple launches and assembly in space.

Had an uncle who was Commandant of the Naval Submarine School in Groton, CT in the 70s took me in one day to view the training simulators and the “disaster” simulator where they drill sailors in emergency procedures related to springing a leak. The training simulators teach the sailors how much of a pig a sub is as

54,000 yen apiece, around $450. What you see is the total amount raised ala Kickstarter which is just north of $38,000. They sold out the box set version of all three so you have to buy each one separately. They still have 39 Vader, 76 Hoth and 68 Queen Amidala. There is 56 days left.

The Traders of Genoa or just Genoa is another game where negotiation is a major part, at least in the games I’ve played. For programmed movement/advance planning there’s RoboRally which is easy enough for kids.

Now playing

Would the reaction been better or worse if Square Enix didn’t troll everyone with the FF7 upscale announcement 6 months ago? Is that still a thing or was it just a giant misdirect?

First, this is a general problem with news today. Everything has to be a “fair and balance” debate, no matter how one sided the facts may be or obvious the “right” side is. Vaccine debate, same sex marriage, climate change are all examples. The notion that both sides need equal time and “we’ll let you the audience

That’s not a female giant robot. This is a female giant robot.

Needs an Amagi Brilliant Park mod out of the gate.

I see breast physics. Somehow I feel this cheapens any game.


I was thinking more this.

He’s 72, so he was 22 in 1965, the height of the sexual revolution and a time when women were often simply lab assistants and not fellows. I think people need to take age into account when old folks make what today would be stupid, offensive comments because their opinions were set in an era where that was the norm.

Prime Pantry? Sorry. I get better prices at the market down the street. Why would I pay $6 to be shipped items that already cost more? Maybe if you’re in a major city without nearby supermarkets and no car it’s not a deal.

The key point with the Akatsuki’s arc is developing the new skill and showing this new high level skill is character and not race or class base. It’s an ability suited for you. That’s why it can’t be taught or learned from an item.

A couple of minor nitpicks.

I enjoyed her default “programming” of healing anyone nearby.

Standard J-RPG. First steal everything not nailed down in everyone’s home. This is merely a logical extension to that.

This series is fun because it always seems to be self-aware and constantly lamp shading tropes of the genre as they’re happening. It also occasionally breaks the 4th wall.

1:33 or so in the Itano Circus video is the infamous Budweiser missile from Macross: Do You Remember Love?

blood curdling screams