Atomic Samurai Robot

Saying you're "ethnic" when you mean mixed race is the source of confusion. Unless someone redefined "ethnic" as mixed race when I wasn't looking.

Of course it went on sale. Just renewed 3 days ago. Reason is to get all those that didn't sign up for the free month before Xmas.

Of course it went on sale. Just renewed 3 days ago. Reason is to get all those that didn't sign up for the free

I've always fire from the right side of the bow and I'm right handed. That was how I was taught.

When all you have are 8 track tape shells, you might as well make lemonade?? No wait ...

The man made eating potato chips dramatic. Enough said.

You would love the Korean version of Blade and Soul.

Hail Hydra

Under a year for the grand experiment to end. From 4/4/14 to 3/17/15. So what's the current over and under of WildStar dropping subs before it's 1 year anniversary?

Some are quite funny.

The guy's an ass. That's not tall hair. A little fluffy but it's not in a high pony tail or bun which would have been higher. Wonder what he would say someone tall sat down in front of them, slouch down in the seat?

Now playing

Certainly one ups the old walk on rice paper without leaving a mark.

Same is true with You're Under Arrest. Back when I did collect it you could see a merging of the art styles between his two series (at least the two I was reading) and Miyuki and Natsumi started to look more like characters from Oh! My Goddess.

This is Japan were it's OK to hold you indefinitely until they get you to confess. Doesn't matter if you actually commit the crime they've accuse you of just as long as they think they have the right guy.

The original ZX was one of the best door wedges we had in college.

Once a day is enough. Now if multiple times a day, outside of say visiting the gym, is becoming a "regular" thing, then yea, too much showering.

And that's the one that upset the local constabulary.

Who at the table ordered the Dirty Sakura?

Wave at our new robot overlord.

All I can think of offhand is King Ghidorah or Cerberus.

Never watched Portlandia. For me Grimm made Portland interesting.