Reminds me of the time a group of us in college signed up for a 6'ft sub eating contest simply to get a free lunch. Here, at least they don't have to feed the dog tonight.
Reminds me of the time a group of us in college signed up for a 6'ft sub eating contest simply to get a free lunch. Here, at least they don't have to feed the dog tonight.
Sorry, it's a scientific fact that self-important, rules don't apply to me, see me park across two parking spaces (handicap if available) a-holes prefer BMW 3 series and they taint it for everyone else.
Reminds me a bit of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division and a bit of the Armored Core series tossed into a modern Battlefield/Call of Duty engine.
My 1999 CR-V bragged about how the rear seat could recline flat and that the front seat, without the headrest, could be positioned so it was a somewhat flat surface for sleeping with feet at the dash and head toward the rear.
Thought this would be about Lineage Eternal. It looks a lot more like Diablo III than a MOBA or MMO.
"Nope. It broke"
Primary example of mission specific aircraft design of the 70s. Along with the F-14, F-15, F-16, and F-18 they were designed to replace the "flying brick" that was the F-4. Of course not the pendulum has now swung back to a multi-mission, multi-service aircraft with the F-35.
That's a pretty color. I wonder why they thought that's a better color than the usual neutral cloudy sky gray.
Since Disney owns Pixar and Pixar is essentially running Disney's animation department now, it's not really aping Pixar.
At least the F-35C didn't require a VTOL system to be wedged into the airframe and required a major control system upgrade. Just better landing gear, an arresting hook and larger fold and store wings. I also assume the refueling method is probe and drogue as oppose to flying boom the Air Force prefers.
So, TF2 with superheroes. Okay.
One thing I learned. You can't bake steak.
Ah, mecha porn at it's finest.
I'm going to guess he leans left and loved the 60s a little too much.
Not really a fan of extruded meat. All I can think of is play-doh.
We need to get this chiseled in stone and bury it for the archaeologists after the next Apocalypse. Otherwise the meme of "Aliens" may be lost in time forever.
KITT ... Turbo Boost
To be blatantly practical, colonization is for the talented and fertile.
Alfred Hitchcock's The Clowns
I really need a way to filter out overly harem, overly fan service, overly lollicon series. After that it'll be relatively easy to eliminate the kid oriented CCGish battle show leaving only those that have some semblance to an interesting, mature plot.