Atomic Samurai Robot

Just binged on No Game No Life!, fascinating series. Yes it has Harem elements, but what show doesn't, and it's a bit etchi at times but " " is a fascinating duo.

I enjoyed Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet and that's on Crunchyroll.

Only seen three so far.

Mini figs have mechs. Run for the hills.

Because the longer you make the stock footage, from magical girl transformation to forming Voltron, the less new material you need to do for the episode. These shows have incredibly tiny production budgets. Only reason it use to be 8fps.

While I don't have problems seeing it used in mecha, it's odd here because this is going to be "stock footage". Unless it's a take on making her Sailor Moon form seem "different". Like how Oz is in color and in the Matrix everything skews green. We're watching the "magic" here and "magic" is shinier than "real

Colleges are like cruise lines. News like this is bad for business (getting new students to attend and pay). Best to bury it. More so if those involved are 1) star athletes who indirectly fund the large athletics program via alumni donations or 2) they are the children of wealthy alumni who can be hit up for future

I think Match recently got involved with a professional matchmaking service in California that would help you find dates that resemble your ex, for an 5 figure fee. This and the Mensa one seems to indicate that their business has a spot of trouble keeping income up. Or that they are too successful.

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Japan has a long history of flying vegetable shaped vehicles.

But dead people aren't a strain on out health system. Sure you are more likely to survive is struck at a slower speed but the hospital bills can be enormous and someone is going to have to pay those costs. That's why I think auto manufactures should add spikes and blades on cars to increase pedestrian deaths.


Thank you. I'm now hooked on The Irregular at Magical High School. The notion of magic being understood as a science and applied so something like magical engineering is a thing is fascinating to me. Also enjoy the whole "he's not who he seems to be" aspect of the main male character.

Gonzo has been ripping off homaging Gainax for years.

Obviously not you since Gainax has nothing to do with this. Gonzo did the animation and any bounce is the result of mimicking a primary feature of the Korean MMO it's based on.

It's the most notable feature of the Korean MMO the series is based on. That and freakishly long legs on the women.

You could have wikied it.

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And GitS songs were written by Yoko Kanno who has no problems with doing lyrics in other languages. Which includes her jazz group The Seatbelts.

That definitely highlights the features of character design found in the original South Korean version of Blade & Soul. They had to turn off the bounce/jiggle as well as reduce the amount of skin found in a number of female outfits for it to be released in mainland China. The anime series primed the market for the

I don't have a problem making/playing female characters. Don't forget gender wasn't an option in Diablo II and it was pre-assigned based on class.