
ok then lets play a match of mortal kombat 10, mario kart 8, super smash brothers, dark souls 3, or even fucking tetris, and then we’ll see if you’ll completely “destroy” me with a keyboard.

Finally, someone with some sense speaks out.

A small correction:

Final Fantasy 13 and Xenoblade Chronicles

This reminded me of how the game parodied corrupt californian politicians, and then Leland Yee was caught doing exactly what he condemnded about GTA. So ironic, lol.

Apples and oranges, they are not the same genre. Maybe you and your friends were the only ones scared when you played this? Maybe you were all too young and easily frightened? I think the other commenters all agree with me that this game is supposed to be funny, rather than scary.

They played us like a damn fiddle!
I’ll see myself out.

La empresa donde yo trabajo tambien tiene “garantia ilimitada”. Esto se refiere a que durante la vida del producto, este goza de garantia de reparacion o reemplazo. La vida del producto a su vez depende de cada compañia, y acaba cuando esta misma deja de soportar ese producto, es decir, se vuelve obsoleto cuando ellos

Lol, a 3 page-long rant on how you sucked at this game.

Aaaaaaand there goes my interest in this thing.

Nintendo once again trying to appeal to old school casual gamers.

I would NOT pay $6o for this.

You’re kidding, right? the original Xbox was hacked during its first year! The only thing about it is you would have to get an IDE hard drive for the games, and they are starting to wear out or dissapear.

So Kamiya was right about Inafune then, he’s not a game designer, he’s a businessman.

I’ve been saying this too ever since I read he’s not the real creator of Megaman.

I’m expecting Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee to meet a similar end, those 2 teams get way much more credit than they deserve.

Why do governments and people in general are always pushing to ban and censor artforms?? from books to movies, from tatooing to street art, from videogames to dance, there is always some cunt or group of cunts trying to censor and ban forms of expression.

Goooooo Chile!

The did 2 stupid card games with the Metal Gear name on it for the PSP, are you really surprised by this?

I’m not angry, but you can go fuck yourself you little whiny ass cunt

You fuck off you little cunt, none of what you just said makes ANY SENSE * on top of the lies about your background*. If Sony and Microsoft try to force the business model to change into something closer to PC, IT WILL FAIL. Go ask sega, dumbass.

I don’t believe any of the lies you just spewed to appear smarter or morally superior. Anyone can lie like that on the internet.

I don’t think Sony would be stupid enough to alienate their consumer base the way Sega or Nintendo did.

“Keep thinking that your anger gives you an ounce of control over a company.”
- I had no idea Sony reps read these comments section, I thought I was just talking to you.

You don’t have the first clue about software programming or how the videogame console business model works, do you?