
She got famous for licking stuff.

@WittyUserName: There's nothing quite like the feeling of playing SWAT and suddenly realizing the reason you are getting completely smoked is because its 4 on 2.

Why is it so hard to find analysts that have basic speech down Pat?

You lost me at the part where you said Marky Mark was a talented actor.

@Heratiki: Who you calling a transient?! I bought a house and everything!

The bong is not inherently evil. You're just using it wrong.

North Carolina got 4 inches of snow and ice.

Your move, S.T.A.R. Labs

@onNon: no question. the ability to transfer usage between devices will definitely call for a contract change.

DoodleBuddy has saved me countless times with my toddler. Including the tedious potty-training regime.

I can tell he's lying because no one watched The Other Guys

That's quite the post title there.

Borderlands has a sequel?

There are worse jobs in the world than "Shrine Maiden"

And by the way, I laughed out loud at the caption.

If this was 1998, this cast would be epic.

Commit to your drinking habit and install one