
The wall run seems really off to me. In Titanfall I remember your character having a small jetpack of sorts that would fire while you’re wall running to give you some lift. Here he kind of just runs in a straight horizontal line and stays upright without issue. Just feels very unphysical, and yes I recognize there’s a

They could’ve picked any species in the galaxy... and they went with a human white guy.

Thank you very much for your response.

Hey, Canadian here. I’m definitely not anti-immigration by any stretch, I think what Trump and his administration are doing at the border and around the country in general are awful, and I think the Republicans are a bunch of evil, greedy snakes, but I was wondering if you could clarify something I’m confused about.


I feel like combat similar to that of the Shadow of Morder/War games would work well, as you killed enemies fairly quickly and were often outrageously outnumbered. It was rather simplistic, just a lot of clicking, but I definitely felt like a badass as I cut down dozens of orcs.

There are mods that let you download custom levels other users have made, and they just added an official level editor to the game a couple weeks ago. 

I think one can argue that Christians should really be pro-abortion if we actually cared about people’s souls. And yes, I do mean pro-abortion, not just pro-choice.

It’s generally accepted amongst Evangelicals that young children go to heaven automatically if they die since they weren’t old enough to fully understand

The W10 Bedrock edition is free to anyone who purchased the Java version before around October 2018, if I recall correctly. You just have to go to your Mojang account and you get a code to redeem using your Microsoft account. 

My friend had spent several hours digging out a space beneath where he built his castle to create a massive library. I offered to make him a moat around his castle, and while digging the trench accidentally opened a hole into the library. This being the old Minecraft, water didn’t just flow a little ways or disappear

When I first saw Lucky's Tale at my brother's house, my wife was the one in the headset and we were just watching an output to a projector. It looked fine, like any other platformer, but I didn't see the reason for it to be VR. But man, when I put on the headset and started playing, it was honestly so cool. Having it

I feel like for every “I got mine, fuck you” comment I see there are two or more, “I don’t got mine, fuck you” comments as well. Obviously the more people that can use it the better, but there seem to be a lot who feel that because they won’t be able to get it that it basically shouldn’t exist period.

This is a

TL;DR || I won’t say the game has no problems, but I personally haven’t yet experienced any, and while some aspects of the game were a let down I’ve still really enjoyed it.

I just built a new computer a few weeks back and got to pick a free game with my RTX 2060, opted for Anthem since it appealed to me the most even

I just built a new PC this week (i5-9600k, RTX 2060, 16 GB DDR4), finally upgrading from my 10 year old processor and 5 year old GPU. So I’m going to be finishing up the Battlefront 2 campaign and trying out Anthem some more, which I got for free with my 2060. Maybe try out Apex Legends with some friends too.

I think that’s an IV bag, not a badge.

Which is weird because I’ve seen it said on one of the loading screens that matchmaking is done based on a brawler’s trophy count, supposedly to help make it easy to level up newly unlocked brawlers. However like you I’ve definitely had plenty of matches where members of the opposing team have hundreds more trophies.

Hey, just FYI you didn’t cover her name up in one of those photos.

I got it, and I’ll keep the Store installed for a little while to keep getting these free games, but man if I’m not a little peeved and sketched out by some of Epic’s shady behaviour with it. It’s a little thing, but I hated that when “purchasing” Subnautica, it had a little checkbox about receiving emails about

I love playing healers in MMOs, I think you summed up really nicely what’s so fun about it. Guild Wars 2 doing away with the “holy trinity” for group mechanics was probably a good thing, but it dulled my interest in doing dungeons if I couldn’t be a dedicated healer.

Yeah, but that’s also why you learn early on in game development to check for the elapsed time between frames. I remember doing basic Unity tutorials and in the Update function that’s called each frame, you increment position by your speed multiplied by deltaT. That way if your framerate drops, and Update isn’t called