
Which is weird because I’ve seen it said on one of the loading screens that matchmaking is done based on a brawler’s trophy count, supposedly to help make it easy to level up newly unlocked brawlers. However like you I’ve definitely had plenty of matches where members of the opposing team have hundreds more trophies.

Hey, just FYI you didn’t cover her name up in one of those photos.

I got it, and I’ll keep the Store installed for a little while to keep getting these free games, but man if I’m not a little peeved and sketched out by some of Epic’s shady behaviour with it. It’s a little thing, but I hated that when “purchasing” Subnautica, it had a little checkbox about receiving emails about

I love playing healers in MMOs, I think you summed up really nicely what’s so fun about it. Guild Wars 2 doing away with the “holy trinity” for group mechanics was probably a good thing, but it dulled my interest in doing dungeons if I couldn’t be a dedicated healer.

Yeah, but that’s also why you learn early on in game development to check for the elapsed time between frames. I remember doing basic Unity tutorials and in the Update function that’s called each frame, you increment position by your speed multiplied by deltaT. That way if your framerate drops, and Update isn’t called

The greatest pivot in history. 

Dammit I actually was going to skip this link but when I saw the cartoony shark I thought, “Huh, I like that art style, maybe I’ll check out this millionth early-access survival game.”

Couldn’t you? I thought the only restriction was you had to have Mario in your party but it’s been several months since I played it so maybe I’m mis-remembering.

Couldn’t you? I thought the only restriction was you had to have Mario in your party but it’s been several months

Cannot unsee.

It’s been a couple years since I used the in-home streaming between computers so it may have changed but for that the game was open and running on the host PC meaning it wasn’t usable during that time.

Damn, you beat me to the exclusion principle joke.

That’s cause of those dirty miners, don’t lump the rest of us in with them.

“isn’t that big of an issue”
“true horror of corrupted saves and stolen games”

I think you just made a compelling case why this is a big issue, especially since this isn’t the pre-internet days and it is definitely possible.

BotW is terrible. It’s wasting so much of my time and preventing me from getting any work done. 0/10, too addictive.

BotW is terrible. It’s wasting so much of my time and preventing me from getting any work done. 0/10, too addictive.

Wow, pretty racist how all Dwarves get lumped together in one group, but there’s like 6 different kinds of men.

Really? I felt the exact opposite after TLJ. To me it became obvious that a lot of stuff was not planned out ahead of time. All these mysteries that TFA set up were hastily discarded by Rian. Some people really liked this, and that’s fine, but personally I was really dissatisfied by it. But I think it has been

Blue milk is Bantha milk, and as screenmonkey pointed out the milk in this movie was green.

As if the Synaptics trackpad wasn’t already bad enough.

Slight correction but the Falcon Heavy won’t be the most powerful rocket ever made, only the most powerful in current use. The Saturn V will retain that title until Musk’s BFR takes to the skies.