The latter. Changing the spring constant would affect how far it would be stretched down by gravity, but from there the bottom would remain motionless while the top fell.
The latter. Changing the spring constant would affect how far it would be stretched down by gravity, but from there the bottom would remain motionless while the top fell.
I'm not much of a conspiracy theory person, but I find it intriguing that this "processing artifact" is right beside the Apollo 11 landing site :P
Only problem is that Apollo 20 was cancelled and never took place.
@Quasigizmodo: That's where time dilation takes effect.
@The Anti-Fanboy: I meant no offence to Jesus, it was a great article.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought when talking about Kelvin, it was just Kelvins, not "degrees Kelvin".
@commander_k: Wait, what? All forms of Electromagnetic Radiation (spanning from radio to gamma) travel at the speed of light.
@robot-shmobot: Actually, if the probe is travelling at near-light-speeds, time will be slowed down for it. So it'll feel like maybe a few days or weeks on the probe, where as around 20-25 years will pass on earth. You have time dilation backwards, it's slowed down the faster you go.
@robot-shmobot: Actually, for the probe time would go by much more slowly compared to earth, so if it was travelling near light speed, it would feel like maybe a few days or weeks (I'm not sure how strong time dilation is at near-light-speeds) where as on earth it would feel like the 25 years.
Hey, after I resized my image down to 800x600, it was still well over the 200KB max (about 600 more). What else can I do to lower the file size?