
his mario kart skit had me just dying

No, fuck this guy. The cop is doing his job, you got a problem with that take it up with his CO. I didn’t like the bread at the bakery this morning, so let me go ahead and drop kick the cashier.

It’s Remi Gaillard

Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.

Considering this bomb was manufactured in 2003, i’d say it’s been paid for a long time ago.


While angry Mark I Iron-Man tries to escape it on crutches.

Now playing

The opening moment of Mass Effect 2 upped the ante on everything. The fact that Shepard dies and is brought back because he’s the only one capable of stopping the Reapers was absolutely amazing on first view. And many views afterward.

boxy hips, booming blips. mmmmmm. *creepy old man grin*

And you get a Lambo, you get a Lambo, you get a Lambo!!*

3.9% APR, 211 month loan, $405 a month = $88,787.75 to own.

What the hell is happening

Why is this not an option on imported Japanese cars ?

Holy hell, this is awesome.


I had a first-gen MR2. I loaded both trunks with groceries several times. I literally made Costco runs in a 1985 MR2. Come at me.

I heard the is a new video game coming out too:. Geo METRO 2033 :D

I loved “Hell on Wheels” and let me tell you this! Anson Mount can definitely convey multiple emotions without uttering a word,he had many scenes that showcased the ability.