Why is this not an option on imported Japanese cars ?
Why is this not an option on imported Japanese cars ?
Holy hell, this is awesome.
When the topic of 1990s Japanese performance cars comes up, we as car enthusiasts tend to beat the proverbial dead…
I had a first-gen MR2. I loaded both trunks with groceries several times. I literally made Costco runs in a 1985 MR2. Come at me.
I heard the is a new video game coming out too:. Geo METRO 2033 :D
Hey hey hey! It’s time to make some kuh-RAY-zee money! Are ya ready? Here we go!
You guys were rich, lol! We had Commodore 64s untill the 8th grade when we got 286s. I still have my WordPerfect KB template somewhere....
I’ve only ever played this on Dreamcast.
That’s not Crazy Taxi
There as actually been a resurgence of good future racers as of late on PC.
Should have been called Tamato.
Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?
What I don’t get about this commentary is the constant narrative the war with China will be bad and the U.S. shouldn’t antagonize them, but war with Russia will be good and the U.S. should defintely stand up to them because of Ukraine and the Baltics. How does that work? Both conflicts would be a disaster.
I always go to sarcastic car web sites for deep and probing analysis on for foreign policy.
I am the most active Filipino Kinja user here, living in a city in the nation’s capital that is a usual drug haven. All these are true and happening. Also, I’m on mobile, so I can’t link lest this tab refreshes and I lose tge comment.
Oh look, a strong leader taking care of his bad hombres !
The car is beautiful front to rear and rear to front.
No apologies necessary, I enjoyed the read and could not agree with you more. It’s funny how the world goes about setting up alliances between countries that historically have really been at odds. The Chinese and Russia have been at each others throats on more than one occasion, but in the end money trumps all other…
President Barack Obama was the most aggressive opponent of Moscow’s expansionism since the fall of the Soviet Union—particularly when you consider his response to the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine.