
I always think the same thing when she's on screen. I wonder how she feels about it, because I also know she's thrilled to be acting. I would love it if she wasn't so infantilized.

There isn't a day that goes by where I don't reference something to a Seinfeld episode.

thats it!

With battle damage stickers..

Exo Suit.. This is what comes to mind.

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The Affleck thing was wise. Whenever your action results in Zack Synder not being the best/only director around on set, you've done a good thing.

There is nothing wrong with any of the casting decisions.

Good tips and you are a much, much braver person than I could ever be. My skin is crawling just looking at that pic.

Say what you will, but in my day we KNEW about shit that went down before we were born. And this was before the nets.

That's OK, the NSA always knows where all the UK military assets are.

Now, if only we could get something like that up into space. Minus all the weapons of coarse. Heres looking at you SpaceX.

Oh no *HELL* no. Anybody who funds this is just adding to a much bigger problem that has been going on for over 20 years. I almost find this funny.

Fun fact: the propeller is covered because its design is Tippy-Top Secret. Nearly silent propellers are a key submarine technology. I'd be willing to bet that the cover is actually longer than the actual propeller to prevent anyone from guessing anything about its pitch.

Wait wait wai... you don't think Sanford and Son worked? Are you kidding me?

all I see.

They have police in South Dakota?

"I prefer the term not-of-this-Earth.