
Wow first time ever hearing of such a thing. Sorry you went through that crap. Is there some kind of contractual clause that states specific food brands cannot be altered when served to a customer?

That cover is iconic of 90’s covers that were far, far too busy.

His left leg is,’s broken! In’s not even attached to his hip bone.

That ought to be a movie. Alien Ninjas that happen to be teenagers as well! Someone call Hollywood, stat!

Holy crap this is turning into Thumbception, that movie that totally made sense!

That header image for a moment made me think it was a rejected prop from Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal.

Agreed! Perhaps agreed vehemently like a psycho mentally confirming their next victim.

Damn... the Challenger R/T is a car I’d love to buy someday. I know it’s not terribly fast in a straight line, but this car nailed perfectly what retro styling is on a contemporary vehicle.

Hahaha I own 3 out of the 5 pics you posted as a frameless picture, which has sadly been collecting dust for the past decade. :p

Elizabeth Shaw will be seen in the third film, where shit will happen. It’ll be bad shit, like, really bad. People will die, limbs will be lost. Science will be.... nevermind.

I’m still sticking to my thoughts that Glenn will be alive but perhaps bitten, or possibly dying (or dead/zombified by the time they find him) - in which chase they’re going to do to Glenn as they did Andrea (Season 3) or Sophia (Season 2).

Merle did raise Daryl in the sense that he was Daryl’s guardian angel for much of his childhood and pretty much filled the role of a surrogate father - if not; a mentor.

Can’t trust those biker dudes, amirite? Those leather-wearin’ folk might slip a roofie in your drink and do weird stuff to ya!

Yeah as a former owner of a 99 Explorer, I agree! On smooth roads, driving is bliss. On anything else? Hahahahaha!

I think the border arrest was no coincidence. Those weapons may have been for these attackers, but more likely it was meant for other embedded terrorists already in Paris.

R.I.P. to all those fallen souls who didn’t deserve death.

I had my first encounter with a Raider boss wearing Power Armor last night that scared the hell out of me. It was at an outpost not terribly far from the crashed airplane in the “beginner” area that you explore outside of Concord/Sanctuary.

It looks like the young girl was exacting revenge on her father for molesting her; her brother handing her the dagger in what seemed like secret. The short evoked such a dark story coupled with beautiful imagery.

This is amazing! Thank you for sharing this! :D

True story: