My point is that the fact that Stanford got this borderline illiterate dumbshit through their school proves that even the wannabe-Ivy schools are taking some cues from Florida State. Go read the other article
My point is that the fact that Stanford got this borderline illiterate dumbshit through their school proves that even the wannabe-Ivy schools are taking some cues from Florida State. Go read the other article
I have an Eames chair in my living room. If my car were as comfortable as my Eames chair, I would fall asleep and crash before I made it to the first stoplight.
Red McCombs has given us:
Is this intended to be a broken link? Because if so, bravo.
I can't tell from the linked article, but is there any reason that Tesla couldn't simply form a wholly-owned subsidiary in Ohio to sell its cars, and have the subsidiary sign a contract with the parent company? If this is all the dealers have up their sleeves, they're as dumb as they are venal.
One must remember that Deadspin's Bear of the Year is not and never has been an honor. It is not an endorsement. It is not a popularity contest. At its best, it is a clear-eyed recognition of the world as it is and of the most powerful bears shaping that world—for better or for worse.
Except that, much like the children in Lake Wobegon, all of the cars appear to be above average. Even the Lincoln MKZ, which got panned, was rated 60 overall. The actual scale for actual cars appears to be 60-80. The idea that 50 meant "average" has proven to be laughable, unless by "average" they mean "average of…
The "laboratory setting" tests and academic studies may show what they show, but (as I'm sure a PhD candidate in biostatistics would know much better than I do) simply pointing out a list of bad calls and saying they all happened in favor of the home team is about as helpful as listing the roster of the Showtime…
My wife wants to see this. Question for Will: having never read the books nor seen the first movie, do I have to spend two unenjoyable hours watching the first one to enjoy spending two hours watching this one?
Worse, Incognito said on a number of occasions that the staff member's wife had sexual relationships with several members of the team.
My (English, boarding) school took a class trip to Coventry, where we spent nearly a day touring the Jaguar factory. I admit to thorough brainwashing: I became a Jaguar evangelist inside my family for years afterward, yapping about how they laser-cut the wood veneer so that the panels on the driver's side mirror the…
I don't know why nobody's put two and two together yet:
Re: those "shining new monuments, buildings, hell, public transportation in some cases": this was covered in the NYT a week ago.
The omission of Can't Hardly Wait is problematic, not because it was any good but because the cast, in retrospect, is astonishing. Seriously, just look it up on IMDB:
As others have pointed out on this board, the new 9-5 is a surprisingly great car - probably my favorite current car in the mid-$40k's. My greatest sadness from all of this is that there won't be a CPO program for me to pick up an off-lease special a couple of years from now.
Another solution: tell the cabbie that you really need to get there and offer them $20 extra. Then just pay them exactly the fare listed on the meter. Note: only works if you don't have to get your shit from the trunk.
@cubist_zirconia: I'd been on Verizon for so long that it never occurred to me that a modern cell network could be so bad in a major city. Keep in mind, this was in July 2008, before AT&T's coverage was as public an issue as it became shortly thereafter.
After thirty months of not being able to make a call from my iPhone 3G (or my friend's AT&T Blackberry) in my office or my apartment, including six months of waiting for this damned phone to come out on Verizon: yes, I will be switching on day 1. Anything I can do to stop giving money to AT&T will be an improvement.
Note to self: get rich in the next three years or so.