I understand why this happened considering the existing items in the game, but it’s still extremely funny to me that the recipe is just “dump some weeds on it.” Exactly what the sea bass deserves.
I understand why this happened considering the existing items in the game, but it’s still extremely funny to me that the recipe is just “dump some weeds on it.” Exactly what the sea bass deserves.
What? JFK Jr. won’t appear and announce Trump World Ruler?
This is why you name yourself after shows that have already happened and comedians who have already died rather than naming yourself after shows that won’t exist for a decade.
I hope she doesn’t change it. I understand that it’s easy for me to vicariously take a moral stance, but every time someone gives ground like this, we die a little more to death by a thousand cuts.
So its, “So long, Gary Bowser?”
“Responsibility is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind, and men must be held responsible for their actions, except for rape. That’s totally the chick’s fault.” - Sen. Josh Hawley
“A staggering 5 million Americans—more than the combined populations of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana—consume forty-five hours of video games per week,”
It’s easy to build straw men. Under that same line of logic, allowing Nazi propaganda (insert college-psych-bro who just learned about Godwin’s Law chiming in, here) should be just fine. I mean, media doesn’t influence people, right? It’s just entertainment, right?
don’t be an asshole
Think I’m over 300,000 because I rarely used them, so I’m good. Hopefully these islands are worth visiting, unlike the others.
It must be nice to not have any values
WHAT THE FUCK! I’m going to get so much more into this game.
youre really missing out cause the game drops that whole trope.about a quarter into the story. It actually turns into Vice City Stories light as you pull off a lot of insane shit in the country side and really picks up when you get to San ferrio
My stranger danger alarm always goes crazy when I see this guy.
Whenever i see him now all i can think is
“...It’s important to remember that Facebook isn’t
justdestroying American democracy...”
Probably the only title PC owners can gloat at console Atlus fans.
It’s not idiotic just because you aren’t smart enough to understand it.
Or he stays over at his girlfriend’s place but uses his legal address in official documents. Or he’s in the process of moving. Or he moves a lot because he’s an unknown actor in a famously expensive city but uses the address of a family member as his mailing address.
In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced…