After watching the first half of season 5, that’s not the only reason why they should’ve cancelled that show...
After watching the first half of season 5, that’s not the only reason why they should’ve cancelled that show...
My money is on Teddy’s brain actually. It looked a whole lot more like his mannerisms in Bernard’s body, plus it would explain why the camera lingers on his body in the water at the end.
Well that comment flew right above your head, didn’t it?
In other news, men prove that they are disgusting by overreacting to being called disgusting on social medias.
I was expecting Pirate Daniel Bryan to pop in at 1:05. I’m half disappointed to be honest.
Hell, name one single cinema moment that HAS its own song...
Gotta love how when the Governor says “We need to listen”, he is CLEARLY NOT LISTENING.
Yeah, I feel their pain. The only answer I would’ve gotten is the Tom Landry one and it’s only because, being a Landry myself, I don’t have many namesake models in the US so you tend to be curious about those who are known. Caleb Landry Jones is another good one. Darn great actor, that Caleb.
Well that’s awesome, I’m currently playing the game for the first time and the music is one of the best parts of it so far. Kind of reminds me of Chrono Cross.
I recently started Nier : Automata which I bought over Black Friday 2017. I got to the first big boss (the two saws) and died. When it brought me back to the very beginning of the game, I said “Screw that” and the game went back to gather dust with the rest of my backlog.
Oh damn, I used to love this guy’s stuff on Newgrounds. Gald to see he’s still animating awesome stuff!
I don’t think “cultural appropriation” has ever been this literal.
When people ask “why are the people harassed going to the media/the internet to denounce their aggressors instead of going through the regular pipeline (i.e. the police, HR, higher-ups, etc.)” THIS, RIGHT HERE, THIS IS WHY.
Jesus christ, and I felt clever when I used Jaxi to cheat on one of the harder timed challenges in the Sand Kingdom...
Super Mario 3D World. He captured fairies instead. :P
Just once did I have a person say to me, “What are you, gay?”