AssuntaPabsy a dracula

agreed - democracy isn't such an easy thing to assemble. heck, none of the countries that do call themselves democracies really truly are representative democracies. for technical reasons mainly...but no matter how you slice it, any democracy is going to take time to assemble, and it's still going to be imperfect.

pssh... "psychological component"? so, what they're doing is a dictionary attack instead of purely a brute force attack. instead of testing every possible number for patterns, they're testing things that humans would tend to think of - like exponent powers, square roots, whole number fractions, etc - in order to

one thing i think should have happened differently is that there should really be some level of amnesty for a dictator who, upon realizing that his populace really has turned against him, who willingly steps aside. hosni mubarak did just that. yes, at first he did what any autocrat in his position would have done -

shit, really? i keep forgetting to stay up to date on my Onion reading...

now all they need is a mountain dew dipping sauce

also, let's not forget that steve jobs lied repeatedly about things like never wanting a camera in the ipad. lo and behold the ipad 2 has exactly what jobs said would never happen.

finally, barbie can have tits

the title image just keeps triggering this visual for me...

prank. kids. kool-aid. solved.

that's one thing i sort of agree with. if apple were to get iOS inside car dashboard GPS units, i'd use it for sure. i used it to look for a UPS store once while driving...which was great...but it was really hard to reconcile the iphone display vs my dashboard GPS all while driving somewhere i didn't know very well.

squeak squeak squeal - sorry i couldn't hear you over the sounds of sweet loving...

Now children, gather around, and watch the wonders of life. The beauty of Mother Nature.

i was thinking of Bob also, but i think only like 5 people ever used it so no one could relate to it being useless and frustrating. but i'm sure we ALL disabled Clippy at some point, or one of his annoying 'assistant' friends.

your own pee, now conveniently pumped right into your face.

I've already turned off Siri on my iPhone 4s. Will it be the "Clippy" of the mobile generation? Only time will tell...

milking bacteria?! BRILLIANT! hahahahahahaha


pictures don't look real. if real there would be a lot more splashing and water bouncing off of the model. either the whole thing is fake, or the lady laying on the slab is real and the water is added later (maybe also real except for it hitting the woman) and modified to look like it's actually hitting the model.

Now playing

nice - this should come in handy for the dude at 6:53

i stopped reading at "scientists have wired a cock..."