
I would have much rather seen a headline about Zoe's AMAZING MATERNITY LBD. Much more interesting than Biebs being Biebs and Legolas having bad aim after all.

I'm going as Notorious RBG for Halloween this year. Gold chain over doily over graduation gown, tight bun and gold glasses, CHECK.

So is prostate cancer, but I don't see anyone saying, "Gee, we can't hire Bob. He's a man over 50 and he'll probably get prostate cancer. He'll be out to have chemo and then that will screw up our insurance rates. Better not hire him."

I see what you did there. Bravo!

We're not pro-death or pro-abortion, we're pro-letting-women-decide-for-themselves-what-to-do-with-their-own-uteri, aka pro-choice.

The anti-choice crowd cannot accurately be called "pro-life" because birth is far more dangerous than an abortion, and because many women have died from pregnancy related issues, including


If an innocuous little ice cream called Rose City Revolution bothers them, I bet we can all come up with some flavors that will really piss them off.

Being pro-life apparently stops short of actually having one.

Fuzzy: Out.

God no. Not at all. Jez wanted the tipping post for Monday, so it got the Monday slot. Don't worry, BCO will be back tomorrow. Doing something unusual this week, too. :-)

I have a recurring dream where I meet Snoop in public somewhere. I desperately want to play it cool but great Cats if I don't end up eventually looking the man straight in the eyes and go "SnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOP". In the dream, I hit the P at the end with extra enthusiasm and spit in his peeper.

A friend had broken up with her boyfriend and was totally convinced she was going to meet The One at some lame party happening at a lame club in one of the lame casinos on the edge of town. She wanted me to go as her wingman, and since I was trying to be a supportive friend, I ditched my husband to go with her.

We are rioting on twitter check out the hashtag #GoodToBeBanned and remember to include @ASA_UK

Indeed! Taking your car on public roads, how dare they!

I'm not down for killing anyone at all, but I find it ironic that Facebook's all about killing this page when there are a shitton of Elliot Rodger fan pages still alive and well. It'd be nice to see some consistency.

The people who just "can't help themselves" and start raping at the slightest temptation are exactly the people that need to be locked up. They are clearly a danger to others.

Thing is, this doesn't even really make sense with it's own internal logic. Like, so, the judge doesn't think he's a threat to strangers but only to women who he might really like? So, I mean, so long as he's never attracted to another woman all will be well?

Translation: gurls are all exactly the same. I'm just speaking as a dude.