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Let's make this happen.

God damn Internet. Just. God dammit.

Sure, it might be a douche move to say "cry some more" but on the other hand, to claim that one minor thing ruins all of anime? that's ridiculous and/or idiotically pretentious.

The problem with this is that the lips are still drawn on the side. If they simply smoothed it out it would look better.

It put it as mixed because while it had underage panty shots, it made fun of the notion of it being okay, which I liked.

Random thought: How cool would it be if those Tetris scores would be posted in the kill-chat?

In the new Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game for PS3, after you've fought enough campaign battles, there's a timer until you can play again. You can pay to skip the timer.

Oh my god! It's Generic Saiyan Amalgamation!!! He's my FAVE!!!

Togepi rejects your friendship, he also said you're needy and he requires different things out of a relationship then what your dog fighting stylized life has to offer.

Must be a new fighting style...QWOPoeira

In Heartgold, I gave my newly hatched Togepi the friendship-enhancing Soothe Bell and had him learn Metronome. The first move he uses with Metronome? Fling. Soothe Bell gone. Really? Really??

A sped up version of the lightning fields in ffx and look at that kid go. No matter how slow or fast you went in X the bloody thing got you.

I like this, its funny. But at the same time I hope Korea knows that we take our snacks pretty damn seriously in the US goddamnit

As a long time aficionado of the Original GC Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, one of the best and most inaccessible multiplayer games I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying with 3 friends, I have a strong hope that this game can live up. But none of the crystal Chronicles sequels so far have been a patch on the