
* here’s the thing, my mind is telling me to direct you to my response to BadAssLeroyBrown somewhere in this articles thread. I went back today and figured I’d read your comment in full, seeing as the conversation was done/ I might get a reply to here anyhow. Turns out both you guys asked a similar question,

To be completely honest while I’m still here, I really did guess with the picture, only reading the second and maybe third sentence lol. Glad it worked out, and we seem more or less on the same page which is cool. *Not that “my page (thoughts) have to be the right page thus it’s good,” just that we appear to more or

It’s petty because the it undermines the integrity and dignity that goes in to the art form itself, debasing the rigorous honest workings of wholesome, good, fitting creation down to fucking identity politics.

Sorry, I don’t mean to get mad really, but I have grown a deep seated hatred towards how progressive and 3rd


The original came out with multiple installments. This is no surprise, really, if we’re even ready for something as great as we’re hoping for

TL:DR of whole response: Discussion of this issue on this topic in this context, is not entirely out of the question. If we really need to talk about it, we need to. I’m just saying, we should be past this as a society, western culture, etc. already. That in this specific incident, it’s (or should be) a non-issue.

I’m usually the advocate for discussion hands down, but I think you’re ignoring a higher standard for discussion and acknowledgement. Really, with petty crap like this, social vacuum or not it shouldn’t be an issue: I think he meant that we should be above it being an issue, to be clear.

I get it though, people talk,

(Sees people complaining about ARPG and such and such)
Well, I grew up with Tales games instead, so they can go fuc* themselves LOL. But seriously, Iloved Crisis Core and despite the FF7 history, I’d rather the soul and dynamism be brought to life in it’s story. Advent Children (for better or worse) comes to mind,

Perhaps I’m just really eclectic in my taste, but did anyone else struggle with this article as an anime fan themselves? Like I found unless someone asked me specifically what I wanted, this would only be the tip of the tip of the iceberg :/
A subscription service is redundant, to many of us.
Not in to Miyazaki films

*Sigh why did I bother reading

So what you’re saying is... it’s time to revolt. YRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lol

“That responsibility was then the ISP, then, the user, and now it’s moved to the hosts.”

Honestly it still scares me LOL. Your real world application though is a great of example of how low key or casual it is do so though :), thanks

Sorry to respond so much later, life just kept me away from the inter webs for a while. I am really thank full for your comment back!

Thanks to that comment, my eyes are more open on Japan’s legal system, and ( I guess you could call it) YouTube’s proxy-like position of it .
That said, I still see other negatives to the

I can’t believe people used to sign in every day and check. I thought of it - but are you kidding me? - who could be bothered with that?! I’d go in when sales were on high, like a holiday or event; or spontaneously when I turned on my account to play (before getting used to offline mode); or if I got an e-mail I happen

There’s characters I’d never want to see, and characters I am over the moon to see, like RoF trio. I guess that’s good diversity, along with such an abundant amount lol

Fair enough; another example of relativity, with cultures influencing laws.

To me it just reads as another example of how Japan’s culture and language is good with official matters, but so often poor or silenced in interpersonal ones = =. Not to shit on Japan though: I know they have their ways around this difference

When I said what’s right, I was referring to the concept of shared information to be used for fair use being right.

If I’m not mistaken, you meant it as legally, since Sony or Nintendo are in Japan correct? Well then...glad we’re essentially back at square 1.

Sad, but true. Fighting profit to fight corporations to fight for what’s right. *Sigh...what a roll in the mud

SO MANY PROPS to Jim Sterling: consider me subscribed. I’m ashamed I didn’t know more about the good fight he was making, and screw straight up the ass to all the devs who silence criticms: dish in what you dish out, pansies.