Heather Allison tripped on a stair, about $1,000 flew out of her hands landing under seats, in laps and sailing over the railing
Heather Allison tripped on a stair, about $1,000 flew out of her hands landing under seats, in laps and sailing over the railing
The shortest Masskrugstammen match on record was when Michael J Fox battled Ali.
The picture of Manning resembles what Sarah Palin looked like while blowing Glen Rice.
Everyone's just trying to adlib their way to survival
Reminds me of the time Bill Conlin ate an ice cream sandwich off the floor of the press box in Philly, although he didn't lose a bet. He just couldn't stand to see it melt.
If I wanted to mow my lawn like a real pro, I would shave my pubes in the shape of an arrow pointing towards my dick.
He later did an altered Montell Williams performance and couldn't walk down the stairs without assistance.
The last time a Ball was screaming like that, Desi had to get a little rough and then splain to the cops what happened.
Great Moments in Hip Atrophy: Joe Paterno's Season Spent In the Booth
Paterno was partial to Nike because he used to play poker with her dad, Styx.
A Christmas Goose being trampled to death was also Mrs. Gossage's fantasy after her husband drank too much egg nog and pissed on the presents.
This picture was actually taken 3 hours before the Gallagher comedy show to raise money for the POW/MIA.
two athletic tight-ends who can stretch
Upon hearing this, Donte Stallworth immediately sued Mario Reyes.
The "consolation game" is what Glen Rice referred to the 15 minutes he spent hugging a vaginally traumatized Sarah after intercourse.
New Look! Same Slightly-Below-.500 Taste!
Apparently Bud and Miller are the new "Lights" of his life.