His rear tires were unavailable for comment.
Good. My brother has 2 or 3 DUIs and hasn't had a license in 3 years. I seriously have little faith he won't get another. It's a shame but I'm glad to here the laws are getting stricter.
Well, I know that in Wisconsin it is not uncommon for a person with 5 or more DUI's to keep there license and continue driving. Water street in Milwaukee is where all the bars are. Drunk driving a Lambo you don't know how to operate was a serious accident waiting to happen.
And then you found $5? *yawn*
I had a friend who crashed his car (95 Taurus) into a light pole, trying to save a Culver's Concrete. If you had a Culver's Concrete you might argue the crash was justified.
Wow, I couldn't figure out what the fuck was being said. Thank you. This is why capitalization is important and serves a purpose, Jalopnik.
When you go to a fancy restaurant and order an $80 steak, it is not uncommon to be asked to wear a sport coat or something. Hell, even gas stations have the standard of "no shirt, no shoes, no service". I think the potential of having someone sit in one of your brand new $50k cars, warrants a bit of an unwritten…
That's a real tear jerker. If it is even partially true.
I thought the exact same thing. He can't resist. That said, that is one bitchin' granny.
Your kid might be the most respectful kid in the world. But in general, a little kid doesn't understand the workmanship that goes into building these cars or restoring them. The case Vertec gave should just solidify that more. I think most people are rightly justified in being worried about little kids getting…
I hope the guy who painted that, didn't get paid.
At first I was like D:... then I was like :D
My dad is restoring one right now. Those curves are great to see in person, with just the bare metal. I had a shot at a 1800es (wagon) but passed it up for something else.
I haven't done a NPOCP for quite a while. But just had to check this one out. Happy to give this guy a CP.
Haha, that immediately came to my mind too.
My picture never loaded. ;D
I've been watching 2 hours straight. Huge nip slip.. but I'm not saying when!
I liked the New Schlitz before it was New.