Arthritis Guy

Eh, I suppose you could make the same case for Obama *ducks*. I also voted McCain, but he is just about down the middle of the road you could be. I think Palin might have real conservative values, I just kinda wish she wasn't taking away the press from people like Romney, or Pawlenty. Because if she decides she

... that was the joke. It is not a Dodge Charger, it is a Mitsubishi SUV.

Ha, no.

"You may remember me from such nature films as Earwigs: Eww! and Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory." - Troy McClure

Trump already announced he isn't running (just so everyone is clear) and the possibility of him being a running mate is non-existent since he thinks too much of himself and wouldn't play second fiddle to anyone.

Looks like it has a monocle. Or it is raising its eyebrow.

Well at least the Lotus kept a smile through it.

I agree with you, but I promise you, this is a slippery slope (talking politics on a blog). It will only raise your blood pressure and you will lose as will everyone who gets in it.

But, but, but! We linked a Rush Limbaugh link! (oh, to another one of our stories). Haha, yeah not saying that this shit doesn't get spread though. Journalistic integrity at it's finest.

Haha, that guy is like "Whoa, easy now!" Then trots off like hawt shit.

@Streets_Ahead You're pathetic.

Looks like the troll worked.

2 stars for you.

Good point. I was looking for something I didn't like on it (asthetically speaking) and that push button pushed my buttons.

Perfect, in all its hard to read goodness. Thanks Kevin!

Yeah butts!

Hey Ray,

Haha, except with a phone book I can flip to the yellow pages, see if there are any good coupons then try to rip it like a strongman.

Uhh, that is one of the most annoying things in the world. A road I drive often has terrible lines (not nearly this bad) but it sucks, because it is a brand new road and the road is so smooth and it is in a nice area, so the lines just throw everything off.
