Arthritis Guy

I enjoy constantly being told who is better than me. Thanks jalop.

It is most certainly, hip to be a square. NP

It's funny how clueless some are with these 'camera things'. I was at Niagra Falls a few years ago and with some friends. We asked some old guy to take a picture. I had a Canon SD600 or something. He put the camera up to his eye and took a shot. I heard him mumble something about it being a crappy camera, but I

You got that right.

I honestly would have been pretty pissed if you actually had changed the name, but I appreciate the April Fools effort. Thanks Ray!

Does this mean the site is not going to suck ass and will be functional? I hope this isn't some April Fools Joke that reminds me that Jalop is not going to function properly tomorrow.

Yep, running the new FireFox 4 and cant click on the first two. I also click the ones on the right side.

Yeah! Like mine! Haha, congrats. Us peons bow to you now.

haha, exactly!

Haha, if only you could go back in time and tell the kid, "Don't hit that red button! Seriously, you are going to do more damage to it if you "repair" it."

Just watched this movie last night. I don't think it was supposed to be a comedy.

That poor poor poor poor car.

WHAT!? Where is the weight-lifting machine so he can constantly be working out his right arm?

There's no easy way out.

Let's assume this is a 2002 (the oldest I can get a quote on at Edmunds) and the car is appraised at 80K+. []

Super unintended acceleration.

Rich people tend to be the most frugal people there are. There is a reason many of them have as much money as they do. I agree though, while I like the look of the wheels, he got hosed and maybe the rest of us will learn a lesson from his "cheapness".

Not being any sort of mechanical engineer or knowing fully what the properties of this metal are, I agree with you. But is it possible it did take the path of least resistance and that maybe the alloy was a bit different and weaker in that spot? So the alloy wasn't uniform around the whole wheel originally?

2010 Yaris. Nuf' said.