
You still have to pay to e-file your state return, it’s only got state on the cover because it “lets” you download 1 state’s tax forms to fill out for free.

You still have to pay to e-file your state return, it’s only got state on the cover because it “lets” you download 1

Mark Jackson had the same dynasty players in 2013-14 (Iggy, Green, Thompson and Curry) and they crapped out in the 1st round of finals and lost 31. 2014-15 they won the title and only lost 15 (took them 3 seasons with Kerr to lose the next 31).  He’s lucky for sure but he’s also damn good.

That’s a good month.

Now playing

Gimme somma dat sweet sweet Yaddle milk.

In the words of Steve Mariucci, bummer.

“I tap all my mana and play the “inappropriate relationship with my teacher” card and win.

Speedrun Kings Quest 6 you cowards!

Perverts of the world unite!

Bethesda continues to be a bit of a dick.

But what if they brought back the Calling All Cars servers to make up for it...

There already was a Dreamcast 2 and it was call the Xbox.


Hmmm, I’d guess Double Fine?  Isn’t Tim still friends with all the founders from the Lucasarts days?

Just as long as one of those regions is my nether region.

Don’t rain on my parade.


Finally people are waking up to what Giants fans have known for 134 years, Dodgers are sloppy garbage people. :)

Kotaku should do a “12 Best Board Games for your Collection” like they do for all the consoles.

You ever get that feeling like it’s only a matter of time before the internet turns on you and ruins your life?  I think that’s how I’m gonna get taken out, never had a foul ball, want a foul ball and I’m gonna look like a total ass on TV keeping it if that day ever comes.