
Now don’t you all feel ashamed about what you said about Too Human’s death timers?

I used to stare at the ad for the game in the back of one of the Blizzard game manual and just wish they’d release it. Huzzah!

Wrong, Extreme-G on N64 remains the greatest of all time.

Put that $50 toward The Next Generation instead.

Put that $50 toward The Next Generation instead.

I would have loved a Redwall game as a teen. Probably still would.....I should read those again.

Literally got Quest for Glory 1 and 2 from ebay 2 hours ago, childhood defining stuff there. I already own them all on gog but might buy them again especially since they’re part of the Humble Bundle now (basically all the Sierra Adventure games that Activision has re released digitally available for around $6)

Adam Boyes smuggled one out for Dave Lang to ebay

I don’t know, I feel like there isn’t much else to do now that he’s done all that. Just land at planets to get stuff for Warp Cells and keep moving on.


Read first sentence of your comment. Flagged it.

I wanna watch that Diablo CE unboxing though....

Love BG&E but my inverted proclivities prohibit me from playing on console. I can’t quite remember but I think you couldn’t just invert Y-axis, you had to go full invert or full normal.

“And, uuuuh, I’d just like to say that they should let you romance Yennifer and Triss without consequence.”

I quit Amazon this week just so I wouldn’t have to be there for prime day. You’re all monsters.

I quit Amazon this week just so I wouldn’t have to be there for prime day. You’re all monsters.

Gabe Newell 100% owns this.

That’s what Steph Curry actually does with his mouth piece when shooting free throws.

Anyone know why Rami is always flying around everywhere? I follow him on twitter and I swear he’s always on some international flight.

It’s a shame he wasn’t more headstrong.