
Guys that do this are creepers though.

High Seas Trader was my jam as a kid.

This is the END for you, you gutter crawling cur!

So over 30x less than if they played in the Dota world championship

.....and there is no Simoleons.

How appropriate you fight like a cow.

You should sit through it because it’s funny. They’re all from UCB.

Pullman’s bears makes me want to pull on something.

Now playing

Bobby Moyninhan did some messed up stuff on the Chris Gethard Show to stop them from destroying star wars toys.

I liked playing as him during my weekend access to the beta but also saw the downside of a dug in bastion with people protecting him.

yup, one team out there.

Working for a large retailer’s warehouse I saw literally hundreds of those going out yesterday and the few orders I looked at usually had multiple pip-boy editions going to the same household.

He’s the only voice actor for Mario right? I figure even in Japan Mario speaks english?

Everyday’s great at your Junes.

Their site has the entire episode up for free as well.

And true suckers choose Ring Pop© - The Choice of a Younger Generation

I think a lot of extra people check in during august for The International

It’s a weighted vote so it actually only depends on how Nolan North votes.

I have done some dumb stuff trying to kill that egg.