the gop is now composed entirely of whiny babies.....the whiniest that koch bros money can buy.....barely a healthy brain cell among all of them......but an overabundance of whine....
the gop is now composed entirely of whiny babies.....the whiniest that koch bros money can buy.....barely a healthy brain cell among all of them......but an overabundance of whine....
the gop crazy train just keeps rolling by.....where do they get these people? do the kochs have some kind of farm where they raise them?
should have stopped when barbara walters left...she was always the heart of the show....
dude....if iggys wearing crocs, then crocs are cool....end of story
i dunno man.....they made some damn good, enjoyable music....thats basically all i need to know about bono, etc
hang up everything wrinkled, fill the bathtud with hot water and hang the wrinkled clothes on the shower curtain rod morning, the wrinkles are gone....
“Is there any question that animals are sentient? Do we still doubt that they can feel empathy, fear, and terror?” Since childhood, I have instinctively known that animals are sentient, emotional, social. Their awareness is certainly not the same as ours, but that does not mean that ours is superior. I especially…
hunting to feed your family or for wildlife population control is fact it has helped the deer overpopulation problem where i live....the deer herds were starving and everyday i saw deer carcasses on the roadside from car strikes.....but this “trophy” hunting is totally is hunting purely for…
heres the real one in the gop has any actual good ideas on how to improve the instead they focus on muck-raking “morality” issues that stir up their base....and it works because the gop base has become so used to muck-raking that they no longer expect actual good ideas from their candidates....
i love that idea ! anything comparable for windows? or a chrome extension ?
these idiot anti-vaxxers are so brainwashed that when their kids do get some awful disease i expect they will blame it on a government conspiracy.....
im hesitant to put that info online....seems like everything is getting hacked now....
im not going to pass judgement...all i will say is that i would never have left my 2 or 6 year old kid alone in a shopping mall food court for any reason.....but thats just me....
basically the GOP keeps returning to these hot button morality issues because they are not smart enough to generate useful ideas to improve the country.... the GOP is far too dumbed down, which is probably the design of their corporate and billionaire benefactors.....
im getting seriously fed up with the whole captive animal deal...who the fuck are we to put all other species into prisons so we can gawk at them ??? especially with mammals, it just seems incredibly cruel to me now..... of course, humans are incredibly cruel by nature, thats how we raced to the top of the food…
im changing my name to Bear....or Moose.....or Bear....i cant decide, honestly
i was not aware that the mexican govt had any credibility left to lose
i got my daughter a 10 yo subaru forester with low mileage....she banged it up pretty good and never had a scrathc and the cars still running fine..... very safe, reliable and durable...and pretty cheap to fix...
dont hit women...period...unless she is seriously threatening your life and you cant get away.....anything is cowardice and bullying....end of story.