Arnold Ziffel

the kansas gop has no real concern for economics or civil liberties....they are simply determined to force their religion onto the state citizenry, regardless of the consequences.....

they are obviously a pair of idiots, dont encourage them....

footlong turkey& ham with provolone, lettuce, tomato, mayo, italian a simple man :)

having recently lost my 13 yo bichon, i can tell you it is devastating.....i think of her all the time....i should be handing this better, but im not....

Ivy League 78 here....some of the most liberal and coolest dudes Ive ever known.....and some of the most liberal and coolest (and gorgeous) women as well......

no excuses of course, but saint denis is the red light district and attracts dangerous men....

i can only presume that slaughtering these beautiful wild animals “for sport” is based on a psychological pathology similar to rape......violence, rage, domination, zero self-esteem.....

i have absolutely zero sympathy for parents who refuse to have their kids vaccinated....frankly i would not let their kids into public school, period....if they have a religious objection, then they should send their kids to schools of that religion, and let all their kids get sick together....

as i get older, i have less concern about stopping the car and peeing wherever....and surprise ! nobody cares.....just stop and pee, and dont worry about it....

they simply should not be taking any form of public transportation.....actually, how do they move about in public places? how do they walk on crowded sidewalks ?

we went to jamaica and stayed at a nice resort....but took an excursion to dunns river falls, where the gig is that a large group of tourists forms a "human chain" and climbs the waterfall...each person pulls up the person in the chain behind him....the person behind me was a 300+ lb chick who had absolutely no

i love kate upton

lepage is exactly the kind of ignorant, blustering raging white right-wing fringe asshole that the gop loves so dearly....i expect him to rise to the very to of gop politics....

be married for 25 that point, you will kill for alone time

how come i never get invited to a sex party ? seriously....never...i want to get invited

can i say something blasphemous? bored with this show now....just the same bad news every got old for me....

i seriously dont understand these right-wing religious wackos....and it seems like they are getting worse and theres a lot more of them....where did they come from??? whats going on ?????

sadly, the truth seems to be that most gop politicians today dont have the intellect required to generate productive legislation....they are elected because they are extreme right wing firebrands

my 2 cents : 1) clean the bathroom mirror 2) only women should be allowed to post nude selfies

it's Alabama white folks' twisted way of lashing out at Obama. ...sick