Arnold Ziffel


saw a guy get stabbed in a dive bar in cristobal, panama....all the hookers started yelling so the bouncer picked him up and threw him out....everything returned to "normal", with the blood all over the floor....i surmised it was not an uncommon event....1980

many years ago i was on the PATH train in was kinda hot summer day ...this guy in a business suit got on, totally normal looking...he proceeded to methodically take off all his clothes, fold them neatly and put them on the seat next to him....only kept his jockey short on....when we got to newark station, he

if you want to get the wackos out of govt, you have to take an active part in election process....thats exactly what the right-wing wackos do, and it works

honestly i think its a combination of both.....pls they are financially rewarded by the likes of koch they have little incentive to come to grips with modernity

it seems like so many white americans have simply lost their minds.....i mean, look at the entire GOP....whats going on???

personally, i think animal abusers should do loooooong mandatory jail sentences....i have zero tolerance for that shit....

kids today have it so good....

sometimes i think the gop focuses on stupid crap like this because they dont have any intelligent plans for how to actually run the in a stupid attempt to distract attention from their stupidity, they just do more stupid things, but in a different direction....when was the last time a republican in dc

this guy is dumb as a post...all he has to do is blame it on obama and/or obamacare, and his louisiana constituents will embrace him and defend him to the end....

her career is based on gaining and losing weight...its her gig

for chrissake, just shave and bathe and keep everything clean and smooth...much better for sexy i am the authority on this matter, so what i say goes

i wonder how proficient his english is ? i recognized a lot of my own mannerisms when im in a country where im not fluent in the language(french, spanish), but know enough to pass on a superficial it possible that he seemed superficial partly because of a language problem? im not defending the guy,

the texas govt will fight forever to keep gays out....its better for good people to avoid texas and also the other states with governments run by hateful, ignorant bigots

i only watched the show to see what brooke was wearing....erin andrews is nowhere near as hot as brooke...

whats happening is that the last generation of flagrant old white male redneck bigot politicians is making their final custer....and that is exactly how they see themselves, as a dying breed that wont go down peacefully....all this nonsense will disappear in 10 years, but thats certainly a long time for

the teaparty has sent out their edict that girl scouts are lesbians and train the kids to be this incident is just a consequence of the teaparty edict, getting their constituents all hating on the girl scouts....i am constantly amazed at how the teaparty somehow manages to be wrong 100% of the time

man thats one ugly dude

i have no idea whether he is "transitioning" or whatever, but he sure does look weird and plasticy and awful !!