
Guy he killed wasn’t even a gamer. Worthless piece of shit swatters didn’t even have the right address. It was just a random man who was murdered.

For anyone having troubles grabbing the songs from Armoddo from the drive, right click each song and click on “Make a copy” and it’ll send it directly to your My Drive to download without issues.

As an alternate workaround to “too many downloads” issue, can add the original Drive file to your Drive, then make a copy of it in your Drive, then download.

This is why hearthstone can never be a true competitive game. It is far too random.

*takes a deep breath* So the Twilight Sparkle in the first two Equestria Girls movies is the one from Ponyville. At the end of the second movie we discover there is a Twilight analogue in the Equestria Girls dimension, only she’s been at a different school. She’s a scientist studying odd phenomenon, and all of the

I didn’t think humanitarian aid after a massive disaster was “political bullshit”, but apparently even helping other human beings is now partisan.

Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!


Let me strike a sceptical note here - while guro was getting its literal and figurative freak on in the 20s, Japanese ultra-nationalism was gathering pace and spreading its tendrils like a cancer. As anyone who’s read what later happened at Nanking, to comfort women, millions of Chinese, Malaysian and Korean

I actually have to give them some respect. A lot of people would backpedal and try to weasel their way out of it, but when the official word came from Blizzard, they kept their promises.

except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.

It’s not that different. Looks like the problem was the writing after all.

If anyone ever feels the need to give Peter Molyneux money for a game title in the future, please consider some of these alternatives:

That’s nice, but we all know Green Lantern’s best team up was with this dude.

To be fair, Blood-C is one of the most gruesome, violent, horrible anime series I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been watching anime for 28 years. It’s like the producers at Production IG took some kind of perverse pleasure in animating people dying in horrible ways, and you can actually see some of that follow over into

go play mobile games instead and leave PC gaming to gamers