Are you a woman? If yes, short hair does not look good on you.
Are you a woman? If yes, short hair does not look good on you.
Is University of the Sunshine Coast a real thing?
For properly cooked HARD scrambled egg, with zero egg bits sticking to the pan, PREHEAT the pan on medium high, add butter (you should hear it sizzle), add eggs. Then, most importantly, wait. Do not stir, just let the bottom sear. When they start to cook through, then stir around and flip to get any remaining raw egg…
Ew, just ew. Those eggs are closer to raw than cooked. That salmonella contaminated pile egg pudding makes me want to barf.
Did you not notice that they were on the field beating the crap out of each other?
In the name of Jeses, Father, right now, that was a fucking strike.
Health care is a huge topic. Fortunately, ACA exists and there is plenty of information on how to optimize those options for FIRE.
It may not even be a cynical tactic. It’s possible that in his mind it was consensual even if objectively it was rape.
His defense is that she entrapped him. He may be wrong but sexual pictures would be relevant if he is right.
They probably got a good discount though!
I REFUSE to shop at that place I never shopped at to begin with.
I don’t think the author knows what “divesting” means.
You forgot the best method: pay cash.
You literally write like a college student.
I love the ballpark but it is not a public space. Public spaces do not cost $20-$100 to get into and sell beer for $8 a cup. It is a commercial space.
The butter one looks good to me.
I will encourage my kids to be nice in general, but to succeed by work and skill. If they happen to benefit from networking, that is a nice plus but not something I am going to emphasize.
IMO “networking” implies that you are in it for the benefits. It is not as direct as expecting someone to give you a job, but the idea is if you network with enough people you will eventually get a job. It is all about social climbing and using people to accomplish your objectives. That is different than teaching kids…
Counterpoint: “networking” is a fancy business school term for sucking up to people and social climbing. Teach your teens to be themselves and engage with people because they like them, not because they want to get something out of them.
This was somewhat confusing. The title suggests it is about investing in general, but then it becomes specifically about brokerage accounts. However, there is no direct comparison to investing in tax advantaged retirement accounts. The suggestion seems to be that retirement accounts are “saving” rather than investing?…