
Yes, Sean Doollittle’s agent/publicist is a wise man.

We all deserve a bouquet of flowers or new pair of shoes every now and then, to be enjoyed without guilt or shame. We all deserve to have stuff that simply brings us joy.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that you are a white guy.

This is the correct approach, and the advice in the article is extremely misleading to the point that Lifehacker could be sued for financial malpractice.

This is really terrible advice. Most people will have a lower tax rate in retirement so traditional is better. 

Yeah, the article gave you a clear explanation of why that is a bad financial decision.

Why not just sit in separate locations on the plane? (We split up into buddies to go through security).

What would make me feel better is if someone would explain what turbulence is and why planes’ wings don’t fall off when they are being buffeted around in the air despite weighing tons.

Brother, you just throw that shit away. Just be ruthless about it. That 2 mm thick slice of soap that is left is probably less than 1 cent worth of soap. You have gotten plenty of use out of it. It’s time to say good bye.

It’s weird, people are so familiar with IRA’s and 401k’s that brokerage accounts seem strange. They are very simple. You can buy or sell anything you want. If you want to hold the same index funds as your IRA, it is fine to do so. The only difference is that you will pay taxes on any dividends, and when you sell, you

I much prefer the Solo 401k idea to the taxable brokerage account. You should note that the Solo 401k is pre-tax, so while you give up liquidity, you can save much faster. If your marginal rate is 22%, you will have that much more going into your Solo 401k for the exact same hit on your paycheck.

I paid off my mortgage last year. Lots of old fogeys do it.

Wealthy people can have lots of good debt (mortgage, business loans), and poor people can have zero debt (homeless guy who can’t get credit card). I would define financial independence as not having to work, and wealthy is a level above that.

Honestly, I kind of get the guy’s point. They package it to look like ice cream and sell it in the ice cream section, so you might expect it to taste like ice cream. Maybe I am an idiot, but I was shocked at how terrible that stuff was.

Damn it, I fucking clicked. I don’t even know why, as I couldn’t care less what my credit score is anyway.

Screw that. Surprise them by escalating punishments every hour until they shut the F up.

Buy it if it makes you feel good to the point that it is worth $5 a day or whatever you paid for it. Personally, I think paying for coffee is completely frivolous. I get zero pleasure out of it, and would never, ever, advise people to spend wastefully for no particular purpose.

Even better with puff pastry dough!

You should go ahead and convert the non-deductible IRA’s to Roth, and then combine all your Roth’s together. After all of your IRA’s in Roth, you could then combine the 401k’s into a Traditional IRA. It is important not to do that first, because then your Roth conversion will be subject to the pro rate Rule. Note that