
I beg to differ. Wonder Bread grilled cheese is basically the telos of the sandwich. Gets nice and soft when heated up, while being almost flavorless it highlights a nice mild American cheese. There is also nothing wrong with a nice Wonder Bread PB&J or bologna sandwich. The preservatives they put in there keep the

You have to understand this is a Chicago newspaper, so for them the story is that something happened related to Da Bears. If they said “Swimmer Wins Bronze” nobody would read it.

Just no. That is not a sandwich, it is a piece of cold pizza with lunch meat stuffed inside. The best food to eat in the car is NONE. Pull off and get yourself a decent meal.

Jezebel likes to be holier than thou and can’t stand it when others act holier than thou than them.

In case you haven’t noticed, tomatoes are much bigger than almonds. Of course one tomato takes more water than one almond!

Boo fucking hoo.

He has a right to complain. When you pay a guy $75 million, you get to be mad when he doesn’t perform. Guaranteed salaries are out of control, and one bad contract can absolutely cripple a small market team.

What about the spread of disease due to swimming in unsterilized water in a container used for garbage? If anything that letter is too soft.

Thank you, Art of Manliness. I have wondered many times about this very situation. I would really like to set my wallet and phone to the side before saving a drowning person, but would that be regarded as a selfish waste of precious seconds? This solves the problem.

You realize for 1 serving of pancakes you are talking about a difference of about 0.1 grams?

The bottom line is he is not helping them win games, he is not in their future plans, and nobody will pay money to see him play. Why would they play him? The money is already spent. The only question is whether playing him helps the team.

...Or just use a cookie sheet and stick it in the back of your car on a hot day.

...Or just use a cookie sheet and stick it in the back of your car on a hot day.

In my opinion the advice for “normal people” to invest a certain % in alternatives is just way too general. I would advise not to invest any % in anything that you do not understand. Look very closely at how risky these investments are and make sure you are comfortable with that risk. The other question is to consider

I am no expert on the female anatomy, but that looks to be one orifice over from the butt.

Calling it french toast does not make it so.

The only thing worse than earnest Cardinal fans is ironic Deadspin writers with nothing better to do than poke fun at earnest Cardinal fans.

Take a strong, serious look at how you use your money and whether or not it really makes any sense. One great way to do this is to use a spending tracker. I personally use You Need a Budget for this; the older version (version 4) allows you to track your spending offline and doesn’t require a subscription. Tracking my

My kids are spoiled enough as it is. They will get their circular pancakes and they will like their circular pancakes.

He also would have knifed a Giants fan in the parking lot after chugging a smuggled water bottle full of grain alcohol.

No, the mentality of the NBA is you want to win, but also establish yourself as one of the best individual players of all time. Jordan, Kobe, and now Lebron have all won championships surrounded by role players. Durant gives up his chance to do that.