
I didn't day "high pressure hose" I said "pressure nozzle", the kind you put at the end of a garden hose, to wash a car, or water some plants..

Yes, I have omitted the obvious. DW40 is just a solvent.. I use White Lightning for lube, and I lube my chain the next day, once it is all dry..

This is an overkill. No need to remover the chain for cleaning. when my chain is all caked up with dust and lube, I clean it using WD40 a pain brush, and a hose.

VOTE: Scoreboard

One trick I learned when using MP3s for ringtones. I edit the sound file in an audio editor (I use GoldWave) and I equalize the sound to match the "capabilities" of the speaker on the phone. I use a High Pass filter to attenuate the bass sound and emphasize the mids and highs and a compressor to decrease the dynamic

VOTE: Google News

Some sliding doors (like heavy patio doors) have rails on the bottom too. if you use any oily lub it will collect dust and dirt and gum up. I use Dry Lube that was designed for bicycle chains (ex. White Lightning).. the liquid evaporates and leaves a dry lube powder like graphite or silicone.

the best way is to put a soaking wet towel on the 'effected area" and let is sit for 15 min., the shit will rehydrate and wipe off without scratching..

yes, it depends what type of bird and how acidic is it's $hit..

my favorite Basmati it the Tilda brand. I buy it in 5kg bags. it tastes amazing, the grains are nice and even in size, and very few are broken..

Sugar counters salt. that's why brine always has sugar too. you need to add enough sugar to mask the salt, but not too much or the sweet taste will come through..

+1 Filehippo

My guess is that it is empty. It was too heavy to move and dispose of, so they just built a wall around it. Or, maybe Jimmy Hoffa is in there..

just as an FYI, this also is available with Gmail.

This happens when I use speaker or wired headphones (in the car).

Yup! same here.. If I had to look up something on my phone while on a call and the display is a sleeps, I would have no way to turn the display back on without hanging up.

Anyone noticed that with this new map, the latitude contact have no longer a picture.. Or its only on mine,,

Oh, I better get my camera ready..

Minor detail indeed....

If you are into baking, you know that the ratio of flour to liquid is VERY important. I always weigh flour instead of using cups (volume).. The weight of a cup of flour can vary from 120g to 160g depends on how you scoop it and how fine the flower is.. Also, many measuring cups have a fill line marked a bit below the