It’s understandable if Dragon Quest XI is your first Dragon Quest—there hasn’t been a new single-player home console…
It’s understandable if Dragon Quest XI is your first Dragon Quest—there hasn’t been a new single-player home console…
Just finished it up yesterday, not at all what I thought, but it was amazing. Kudos to the writers for a superb story.
So I’m gonna go with :
1) S.O.M.A
SOMA!!!! SOMA!!! Did I mention SOMA???? Because its SOMA... If you have not played this game, do yourself a favor and get it right now. Play with the monsters turned off, it was an early mod that the creators said actually makes the game better so now its an option in game.
Portal / Portal 2. The first is great because not only do you find the cake and the companion cube is there but Still Alive is such an unexpected song if you were not spoiled on it.
Portal 2's Wheatley arc is a great arc that wraps up well. When you realize how they setup the moon the whole game and you know what you…
The end of Portal is a triumph.
SOMA, that ending is ... holy fuck. Go get that game, it’s amazing!
Inside is my favorite game of all time, and half of the reason is the ending. If you’ve played it, you know exactly what I’m referring to, and if you haven’t, you need to play it.
“Valve, a digital store operator that once made video games”
Firewatch 3 confirmed!
Is this the best article about horror games in a while ? I think it is.
From the point of view of the victim the abuser likely does appear to be very powerful and terrifying. You might not like that that’s the way they chose to frame the scenes but don’t pretend it isn’t valid.
Just how is domestic violence glorified in this video game?
This is literally the first I’ve seen of this ‘controversy’. And that seems a little too generous an offering.
The argument seems to boil down to “video games are for kids, you can’t have adult themes in them!!!!”.
I hate how excited I get for Quantic Dream games. They’re always trainwrecks, and I’m feeding David Cage’s considerable ego by buying them, but dammit... they’re batshit insane and I love them so.
Quantic Dream games are never perfect, but I always love them. Really looking forward to playing this!
Winter Is Coming. Mt. Fuji, Japan. By Tatsuya Nomura | Flickr
RE7 Madhouse was by far the highlight for me.
The PEOPLE have always been progressive. They’re just not allowed to show it publically inside Iran.