Really ?! U didn't get that ?!
Really ?! U didn't get that ?!
I have a great feeling for the same reason !
That's why EA is stupid ! Spending money to promote something that's been popular for years !
Ordinary people don't DDOS anyone. The people behind these attacks are equal to the mentally ill people who break windows in the streets or plant a bomb to cause damage.
They can use their computer to create something beautiful and yet they use it to hack or attack. And I totally know that they have their own reasons…
If The Stanley Parable was 1% scarier than it was, It would be a big NOPE from me.
The narrator was creepy enough for troubled sleeping.
Congratulations on your comment approval.
I think what this game lacks most is innovation. I wish the playable character had more interesting weapons.
I wouldn't do that even if PS4 weighed 200ks !
I personally think the big success of last gen for Sony attracted everyone to PS4 . Many good exclusives and innovative games. I've always been a PC gamer in my life but am planning to buy a PS4 in a year or so. My main reason is Silent Hills so far.
What's the joke ?!
Best thing I watched lately. It doesn't matter if it's a game or not. It's a beautiful experience.
Kinja could participate by changing the design of the site to an actual good one now !!!
You say you don't joke, but could you be trusted ?
I know right ! They're being rude to AMD.
Reminded me of the awful Mafia II .
Speaking of silly,
Dear Kinja , Is it really necessary to change your god damn interface every month ?!
V also represents the number of players. v = 5
Outlast(PC) - I just can't progress, NOPE ! But still trying to beat this game.
Octodad : Dadliest Catch - It's funny.. I'm playing it for fun.
The way I see it, iPhone owners will download anything as long as it's free and looks vaguely like a Nintendo game. There is nothing magical about the game — it's simply a fluke.
omg I need a Vita !