
I once dated a guy who claimed in his profile that his longest relationship lasted over a year. About a month in, he admitted the longest he'd been with someone was "a few weeks." I mean, I could see rounding up if the numbers are close (like 2 years if it lasted for a year and a half) but experience-wise, there's a

Ugh. I've definitely been there. My friend and I were really close, and we'd always have slightly teasing conversations. But just before we were both about to start grad school, her "teasing" started to get meaner and meaner. At first I brushed it off because they seemed like silly things to get upset about, and I'd

It's really more of an alternative way of meeting people. Much like some people meet their SO through friends, some through school, work etc. Online dating is just another avenue.

One of the things that's so surprising is that he's been otherwise good with the etiquette. The only other time he did something that made me raise an eyebrow was when the group was meeting at a buffet-style place (not my event), and it was starting to close. All our checks were paid, but when we pointed out that it

I've been on there on and off and while I personally haven't had much luck with it, plenty of other people have. I'd say give it a try, and be clear about what it is you're looking for when you write your profile.

I like going for walks, going to a new coffee place, writing, reading, and shopping. If I'm feeling more adventurous, going to museums, movies (finally getting past my hang-ups of going alone) a play, or getting a massage.

Okay, venting/advice needing time.

Seriously, what is with the Homestuck fandom? The only time I ever hear anything about Homestuck is when they're trolling other fandoms.

Offhand, I'd say that "fandoms" tend to have a more dedicated following than regular popular forms of entertainment. It's when a community of fans forms that has it's own culture, references, and etiquette. I would also imagine that in some cases, the show/movie/etc is more niche and it's harder to find people IRL who

Oh gosh, I followed both Whose Line and Queer Eye fandoms on LJ, and good lord where there some epic meltdowns.

I would watch the hell out of a Greg Proops talk show. Hell, I even sat through that dating show he co-hosted a while ago.

Yeah, some fandoms can be rather intimidating to participate in. I'll admit the Hiddlestoners seem to have a controversy each week and it gets exhausting, so I've been much more quiet there.

So, what are your fandoms, fellow fangirls?

Not to mention finding out what happened in Budapest.

Yeah, the final battle between Thor and Loki was anticlimactic, and I think it's because the frost giants aren't depicted as particularly sympathetic so it's hard to feel very invested in Loki's plan to destroy them (not that I want him to commit genocide, but the suspense wasn't there). I will say that the final

So I guess we won't be getting the Hawkeye/Black Widow buddy action movie after all. :(

There's a lot of character development and interactions that were cut from a the movie. The deleted scenes give a lot more insight into the characters and their relationships. It's frustrating because it seems like the wrong scenes were deleted from the final product and it suffers as a result.

The Romeo and Juliet scene still gets me.

Oh man, I watched Spaced not too long ago and they looked like babies! So young!

Agreed. I realize some of the rushed pace is just the nature of movies- too much time spent with Thor learning about Earth would have dragged the film down. I'll also throw in that I didn't find the love story with Thor and Jane all interesting. What really grabs me about the Thor films is the dynamics between Thor,