
I've been consistently shocked that Joss Whedon wrote/directed/runs this show. There is just no center, nobody you care about, and nobody you could care about because we know basically nothing about any of these characters three episodes in.

If you use Gmail primarily as a dumping ground for social network notifications and stuff you buy, well... yeah. There's not a lot left over. If you use it as I do, as I suspect many people do, as a clearinghouse for multiple work and personal email accounts, this is a wonderful thing.

Gotta disagree with just about everything here. I'd argue the reason you're not seeing crazy innovation in the reading experience on e-readers is because that's not a problem that most readers are looking to solve. And the problems that e-readers DO solve—making it easier to acquire and store your books—they do a

I dunno, I've been using a Chemex for a couple years. I do the exact same thing the exact same way every morning, and it takes the same amount of time from start to finish as it used to take to brew a pot in my drip coffeemaker. But it tastes a gazillion times better. (That's a precision measurement, by the way.) In

I'm a big fan of the aeropress, especially for pseudo-espresso. (I just don't have the cash to invest in a serious espresso hobby, and I love regular coffee anyway.) But for my money, the best cup of coffee I can make at home (or get at the cafe usually) is with a Chemex. Course we're getting into personal preference

I don't keep my beans in the freezer but I do keep them in airtight canisters. As long as they're sealed and out of sunlight they seem to last weeks (if they make it that long).

Just wanna second everything you say. The difference between coffee brewed at the right temperature and coffee that's not is night and day; the difference between crazy expensive beans and a bag of vacuum-sealed beans from Costco, when both are brewed correctly, is a matter of gradation and personal taste.

I use a Capresso Infinity and I'm very happy with it. In general, you only need to spend a ton of money if you're making espresso, where you're paying for being able to do a ridiculously fine and even grind. If you're just making regular coffee in a french press/aeropress/chemex, etc., you can get a great burr grinder

Have you done this with coffee? I'm with you on wine. I love wine, and after years of careful practice, (it's a hard job, but somebody's gotta do it), I can taste something blind and generally identify the grape/style. But if you put a half dozen wines in paper bags in front of me from all different price ranges,

I usually do about 200 too. I think the experts say like 190-205 degrees, but you don't even have to get that specific. Boil some water, let it sit for a minute to cool off slightly while you grind your beans, and then have at. The important thing is just to get it hot—most drip makers never even hit 160 degrees, so

If you're going to spend the money on a decent grinder and beans, I'd argue it's a waste to throw it in a drip coffee maker. Yeah, it will taste better than Maxwell House, but you will miss the most important factor in making good coffee—using water that's hot enough! Spend $20 on an aeropress/pour-over dripper/basic

Be afraid. Once you get accustomed to the taste of a good, strong cup of coffee, made with good beans and brewed at the right temperature, you will have a very hard time enjoying most of those other coffee options. (They won't make you vomit, but you will realize the basic fact of 90% of coffee-making in this country:

If you're developing a marketing strategy in 2013, you need to be thinking beyond the gender makeup of CES attendees. Know who uses social media? Women use social media. They are definitely getting publicity; it's not the kind I'd want for my company.

I guess, if you're only marketing to men. If you're trying to sell to women as well, potentially pissing a lot of women off and getting a ton of bad PR seems like a high-risk, low-reward strategy to me. (And if you're not trying to sell to women, you should probably be replaced with somebody who's not just writing off

The criticism is not that these four women are being victimized.

Because there is not a troubling history of "objectifying humans" in the tech industry? You are suggesting a false equivalence here. But I also think you are responding to an argument the OP isn't making. She's not suggesting it wouldn't be objectification if there were men too—just that you could more plausibly buy

One big thing that would be lost that people often overlook: quality. Yes, the current cable model delivers a lot of unmitigated crap to your living room. But it also delivers quite a few daring, innovative, high-quality (and high-budget) TV shows that studios would never bet on if they were forced to market and

From an anal retentive Jonathan Lethem fan: Gun with Occasional Music was his first novel, not a later work. #corrections (Frankly, I'd argue his later works offer a lot more opportunity for slow-paced navel-gazing than noir action, but everybody else seems to love them, so it must just be me.)

Hear hear! I would only add one thing: what the fermentation process adds is not subtle. The type of yeast used to ferment the malt determnes what your beverage tastes like, just as much (if not more) as the type of malt or whatever else is in there. Skipping yeast entirely creates an entirely different-tasting thing

I have to think this has to be the most profitable part of Yahoo! right now. I'm sure they still make decent money just on [] being a popular home page, and I know plenty of people still use Yahoo mail. But fantasy football is where Yahoo has actually nailed it, and remains way, way ahead of everybody else,