Archie Kilbourn

Am I the only sane one in this land of technicolor pony weirdos?

Always fitting:

There Ain't No Party Like a BronyPalooza Party

I will say this ignoring the MLP:FiM (I'm not a fan, but no judgement). Kotaku is, in theory, a news site. I sit through endless editorializing by you and everyone else on this site, but this is the end. This article is the death knell of my Kotaku reading. Why?

I will say this ignoring the MLP:FiM (I'm not a fan, but no judgement). Kotaku is, in theory, a news site. I sit through endless editorializing by you and everyone else on this site, but this is the end. This article is the death knell of my Kotaku reading. Why?

I am going to be completely honest here, and no offense to you man, to each their own. However, this scares the shit out of me.

Not only the fact that it is, or was, supposed to be a show for little girls, but that there is a convention SPECIFICALLY for 20-something neckbeards. Add to that the fact that there is the

Have some restraint..Bronycon? Come on now...

Pepperidge farm remembers.

Not enough useless belts, 3/10, would not bang.

Eons ago, I used to work as a bartender and I would get at least three thumpers a week trying to save me. I would get asked if I had read the bible, and I would say "Yes, but even the devil can cite scripture" (Total Confusion)

I think a lot of people would rather have shit friends than less friends/no friends. They probably also enjoy feeling superior to their horrible friends. There has to be something in it, otherwise, why bother? I don't understand it at all, I love burning bridges.

Fuck off you cancerous piece of shit. Your input is literally shit and you never even share opinions. I hate you, I want you die. I would actually kill you if I was given the option.

Anti-MMA position: Short-sighted legislators have created a dangerous situation where incompetent, self-regulating promotions are literally allowing people with deadly bloodborne pathogens to compete in MMA and kickboxing bouts. The solution is to legalize and properly regulate the sport.

I do think Google can bring lot of tech to improve twitch, the problem is it will also bring all it's policies, something that it's not worth all the tech in the world.

I don't blame him, it's like those sponsored Gawker pieces. A very nice article that has nothing to do with the regular postings and is basicly the (often poorly written) recount of a guys misery. I read only a small bit, it sucks that the guy had to suffer loss, I have myself. Just accept that life always comes with

"and those sheets had been taken away for cleaning, and hadn't come back."
This seems to be Russia's solution to everything.

Now I know why so many video game trailers feel the same.