
I feel for all the store workers who have to listen to this dreck for months on end. Fall used to be its own thing, it was only gotten rid of to get people to buy shit earlier and earlier every year.

Oh fuck me. Why bother saving the world from climate change if people like this are going to make money?

Why do fuckasses think tapping into one of histories oldest bigotries makes them edgy or free thinking? Fuckers might as well start drinking mercury for the eternal elixir of life if they want to try out some old school dumbassery.

Sometimes shelters will take magazines. I’ve donated some nice fashion magazines and they were happy to accept them.

Youngstown, Ohio. There’s a reason housing is cheap there, and it isn’t because of thriving legal businesses either.

Oh fuck me ring of power taking that long to come back? I have liked what I’ve seen so far but that far out date really dulls the enthusiasm.

Apparently a bunch of families just settled their case, but more are to some. This piece of shit used the loved legacy of Astroworld and turned it into something ugly.

Why do the people involved with the show keep on pretending they don’t know why one of the main characters is popular? Martin himself said that Daemon was one of his favorite characters. Fictional characters don’t and should not have to be saints to be popular, yet people involved with the show continue to feign

For the love of god don’t paint it, especially white. That’s the landlord special right there, and indicative of other cheap repairs that are going to have to be addressed with the rest of the house.

I also liked the one with the politicians and the larger implications it has.

Doesn’t literally everything in California legally cause cancer?

This is far too social a custom to ever work in most of the US.

Shoot, is Saldana and Crews have sabotaged their careers, fuck me I’ll take that all day everyday because they seem to be doing pretty damn well for themselves.

Apparently because it was covered in glass it doesn’t matter at all. Just go ahead and fuck with art instead of going after the execs, this will surely not turn the general public against you. Sometimes I wonder if some of these groups get their marching orders from big oil, because they aren’t doing themselves any

Especially after his foray into NFT bullshit and an NFT show, I want to give the guy a swirly.

Generally in Texas it’s the homeowners responsibility to maintain that strip. Also, they are often responsible for the sidewalk as well, so sidewalks get into shitty condition because people assume the city will fix it, but nope, the owner has to do it themselves, with city approval of course.

The comments section in the linked article seemed to have been cleared. If I recall, people were not in the mood for excuses that late into the pandemic. If anyone still hasn’t gotten the shot, that’s on them and them alone.

Yeah this is never going to happen. Doesn’t matter the morals or ethics, it’s not going to happen.

Oh for fucks sake, its fucking acting. And its not like he hasn’t been fat, he gained a shit ton of weight since the 90's. So what if he wasn’t 600 pounds, he was still fat and has experience with it.