
Ah, so you are a graphics/power whore in addition to being a shitposting, sub-par troll with no market understanding. Damn son, those are some embarrassing qualities to put on display and yet, you want to paint yourself as some misunderstood genius who knows better.

And tomorrow Trump will be insulting Franken for the very things that Trump himself has done but was never punished for.

Now playing

The Democrats don’t need to become dirtbags like the Republicans, because then they’d become Republicans, but they do need to learn how to stand up for themselves.

Seems the alt-right Nazis need a designated safe space

I remember seeing some “reviews” in Metacritic where they gave the game zero points and said that it got that because it’s obviously made anti-Trump game about Trump supporters and it’s liberal propaganda.

Lay off the krokodil, comrade! It is melting your brain!

Kiddie diddler “wasn’t trying to harm people.”

This is a criminally underrated comment.

In your face, Jason Schreier!

Start by watching all of Serial Experments lain, then immediately switch to Revolutionary Girl Utena.

I know fighting game fans lose their shit when characters aren’t carried over from previous games, but Spencer does not deserve to be a returning character no matter how well designed he is. I bet 95% of the players who used him in MvC3 have never played that god-awful Bionic Commando reboot.

I like this a lot. This isn’t punishing people who use maps, its punishing people who use modified clients to zip all around their area and pick up the best Pokemon. These people are also the ones that lock down gyms eliminating basically any chance to get coins from regular players. I personally hope Niantic takes a

This. So much This!

You there - you West Virginian Democrats who “voted for 45 because he tells it like it is” …?

Psy is a mix of a comedian and a singer so his songs in general are a little campy on top of the regular campiness allowed in South Korea. South Korea do have typical “thug” songs but it’s kinda hard to have songs on anything harsh in a country with strict gun control and universal health care. What you would call

I think you’re confusing the issue, first of all, I said nothing about silicon valley. Didn’t refer to it, talk about it, commend it or otherwise. You seem to be replying to a non-existent comment you’ve made up in your head. Secondly, I also don’t give even half a shit what you have to say moving forward, so, thanks

Here’s the thing: Without cultural appropriation, so much culture would not exist. Jazz wouldn’t exist without the meshing of African rhythms and the music of Irish and Scottish communities. Gospel wouldn’t exist without cultural appropriation. Hip-hop definitely wouldn’t exist without cultural appropriation.